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Mi cara


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mi cara

  1. umm, exploit? Description: Ok so, i was just chilling in the server, and i hit a fence with a spoon, (the ones that are fence02a fence02b and fence03a) and it increases its range to infinite, it also works with drilldos, it can be exploited by noobs or just as a cheap weapon, just like a gun that does low dmg, making that dmg from a secure distance How to reproduce: Put a fence02a, fence02b, fence03a, then hit it with a spoon or a drilldo and it will expand its range to infinite or just a very long range Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Very Low
  2. Yeah, i think the tmod buying after 3 mins of joining should be removed, it shouldn't be an "automatic" process, there should be a discussion first about if he has been on the server enough and if he's worthy of being part of staff, a 15 mins kid buying tmod is a little... Idk how to express it but you get it. As conclussion... DON'T LET THE RICH KIDS BUY TMOD AS SHORT THEY JOIN
  3. Mi cara

    CCs super bug

    Hey, i was seeing F1 commands, i typed some numbers and tried CCs and guess what, i have access to them, im 99% sure that all of you can use them too, Ex. do /doge69954 and you will be a Doge69 CC, do /lol261 or do please fix this, because i would use this to have access to almost all the CCs, but 2 things, its so unfair and also, it would be exploit and i would get perma so not. Some other examples are /class_name370 or all the things that include their class number, FIX IT. (im a beast finding bugs) those clases are: /class_name370 <-(my class) /class_name376 /xboxclass118 /class_name229 /class_name169 /class_name560 /class_name608 /class_name510 /class_name716 /class_name558 /class_name189 /adank_meme415 /new_age_mafia713 /eeeee210 /wild_bear751 /shadow_scale917 /mcchicken_2_go107 /anal_no_way!551 /echo255 /cyka_blyat924 /pd_trasher933 /a_hobo_devil284 /puggy640 /awood_cartel_member504 /the_good_cone529 /juj896 /a_bloody_nightmare700 /shadow_scale917 i think i found all of them, test them and you will see that there are some that some are good, like /echo255 and some even better (i made this so harleys guardian can see how many CCs you can really join Priority: HIGH Priority: supah dupah low dont care about it (harleys guardian said that it's not even an exploit)
  4. Mi cara

    Mod applies

    Hey i've seen that there are some accepted applies in the denied applies section and the people can use them to be accepter, Ex. https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2787 So, could you remove them? Some could become staff without being worthy. D:
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