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Mi cara


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mi cara

  1. I was driving around as a shark the other day, but some people joined me so we were basically three sharks plus some dudes all in a car driving around the city and everyone was like "what the fuck" [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] I couldn't see shit [/img] And accidents happened In the end, they slowly went back to doing their own thing and I was once a gain a lonely sharko driving around the city. [/img] Press F to donate to shark causes
  2. Yeah... As you may have guessed, I'm going to come back to the server! I was gone because i played very often and at some point i got bored from the server, hope you're doing well, i left for sure after jungle inferno came out. It's kind of exciting to come back to this community i hold close to my heart (as toxic as it may be) Am I going to be staff again? Well, to be honest not even I know, perhaps I will, after I get used to the server again If you don't know me then hi i guess Also i got demoted because of inactivity but i didn't get respected rood
  3. ...Poor lunar monster...
  4. Here's how it works, I put in a simple sentence, then you follow it up with another simple sentence, you follow up the last post with another one and we make in collaboration a great, random story. Once upon a time, there was a lunar kid...
  5. RARE GANG APPLICATION Ingame name: Mi cara Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/micaratitsrp/ Previous gangs: TheDD Hours played: 1410 in gmod and 394 in the server Hours played past week: around 8 Gametracker score: 84 Age: 15 What can you provide regarding raids: Being at raids in general, blowtorches, grenades and really ocassionally C4s What can you provide regarding basing: Barrels, blood, buy processors & printers, protection and maintenance Do you use a mic: No What is your favorite food: Burger ftw
  6. You can sell them to the general buyer, you know? I think he buys for less but it's better than nothing until it's fixed
  7. You could revert today's change and just make people in revolts immune to people who aren't revolting?
  8. Bug Description: As Smoke You can't open / close any PD related doors How to reproduce: Try using your keys on Priority: (High, Medium, Low)
  9. If I'm already inactive enough, from tommorrow, I'll play gmod in like 2 months beacuse... http://www.teamfortress.com/jungleinferno/notes.php it's dropping fucking tomorrow oh shit i'm gonna get a bunch of skins and new stuff before anyone and make tons of money
  10. Make titsrp great again #BringBackTheOldMasterSword pls suger get on it exde bring back the old loose cannon
  11. [/img] This person was refering to me as a girl and saying dumb shit. help
  12. Quality of Life Description: So, when you're talking and you see on top of the chat / voice thing the people who can hear you, it's delayed, if someone gets out of your range, it'll take about 3-5 seconds for you to even know, as far as I know this has been in the server for a VERY long time and pretty much everyone has it on mind when typing/talking, but it's kind of annoying when you're tlaking to someone who's running, moving around or just knowing who can hear you. How to reproduce: Talk while someone gets inside or outside of your range, it takes its while to load it Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Note: It may be just me idk
  13. *some weird spongebob parody* Wait what was your point ? It's a fan made video Japanese style and it's good :p [video=youtube]
  14. This isn't some kind of easy thing, raiders have C4s, Blowtorches, grenades, sweps, they come in packs, the CPs would be nothing if the jug wasn't there.
  15. That's what you said the last 3 times
  16. hecko, welcome to the community (no i'm not a girl, before you ask)
  17. So... You want to turn titsrp into voidrp v.2?
  18. Add to the terrorist job a thing that tells you "do !terrorstart to start a terror attack", most people don't know that and just rdm when they think they're doing good
  19. I'm ignorant and depressed Go back to overwatch, kid
  20. Make sure you message this sugar https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=63 Not this one https://titsrp.com/member.php?action=profile&uid=1
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