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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by govector

  1. Some of you may know or remember, but newer players likely not. Anywho, I am govector and am hopefully coming back to the server and getting my cc and everything added back, but that of course also requires me to be decently active. If you don't know me, you will probably see my in game sometime, so feel free to stop me and gimme a good old 'Fuck you'. Anyways, nice to see all the older players, and am happy to see all the new. See you in game :)
  2. Wait what? You need to add people for your class to use it, or at least I thought. Dunno how this is possible.
  3. Pretty sure this is known, this happens with many of my custom weapons, if not all of them, as well. Dunno if there is a fix to it or not, but it would be cool if the gun was held normally.
  4. Die Juden sind unser Unglück! Sieg Heil!
  5. This is terrible. Atleast get some custom weapons, not just 200 knives. I would despise having this as my CC.
  6. Same honestly, I have just been doing other shot but I will try and get on some more - kys
  7. Amf is my boy, but he sounds like a squeaky toy and likes all the boys.
  8. -snip- I see where you get that from, but really I'm just saying while no staff are on we can jail those people constantly breaking nlr and not being punished Then apply for staff then... I am considering it, but lemme try to explain what I mean again. I don't really want to / have time to fully staff, so when I hop on, and there is no staff on, I'll be there. Think of it as being like a reserve in the army. I am there only when no one else is or when we are needed most. It's kinda hard to explain, so not sure if you see where I am coming from.
  9. Your just asking to become your rank into A T-mod rank... I will support the kick command just because we have become really popular lately I see where you get that from, but really I'm just saying while no staff are on we can jail those people constantly breaking nlr and not being punished
  10. This really only applies towards me and a select other few, but can you give respected some more powers? There has been countless times where I have been on and there is staff either afk or just not any in in general. If you could, give us the power to - Possibly longer ban times? - Jail commands, such as jail and jailtp - kick command, this is heavily needed I don't think anything else is needed, but we can just be a backup staff and since you know you can trust us all I think it will work out great if this follows through
  11. No, i would rather not make our server perform the same as a pay to win money whore type of server, I'm sure sugar would agree based off of previous statements of his. There is no need for that, and it just makes the server look money hungry
  12. But thats why I said the community could decide, not just based off of 1-2 peoples opinions. Also, I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to supply money towards a new map (Including myself)
  13. I think if we got our own map, possibly voted on and decided by the regulars and staff of the community, it would be a big hit and add tons more to do. Im not quite sure on what you mean by "we are far from that stage" because we are one of the top darkrp severs and we definitely have a big enough community to do so.
  14. Make it so users with maybe 3+ stars on the fourm can comment on mod apps, as me for example, I know and talk to most people on the server and I believe my opinion, along with others who put a lot of time into the server, would and should be valued accordingly. Or, make it so you can just give certain people who you know and trust perms to comment on the apps.
  15. How about no, it's absolutely pointless and doesn't go along with any other rules. HUGE -1 Wait what? It's not pointless though, he's actually kind of right. Oh shit, I read that completely wrong. I thought he meant make it so we have to advert it when we are doing it. My b
  16. How about no, it's absolutely pointless and doesn't go along with any other rules. HUGE -1
  17. I love any idea of some sort of auction house, it would add so much more fun to the server and could server as a new way to make money and would be much easier than the process with the shelf's.
  18. Well there must be something different then, because when I use it, it shoots fast but does minimal damage so maybe something is going on like with a bug or something.
  19. Um guys, this is my swep, and this is what its supposed to do. Me and sugar came to an agreement that if I was ok with lowering the damage, than it would have a faster fire rate. Its not broken, as it may shoot faster, but also does less damage. Not a bug or anything.
  20. You grabbed this from my advert bind! No, that meme has been around longer than you've been playing here. Ur life is like a dead meme, eat some more carrots. JK luv u
  21. Yeah you can, I use my /invholster bind all the time to put away blowtorches. I have never had this happen so idk what is going on.
  22. rip steam, better not be down all day. Oh sweet its back up
  23. Yeah, pretty sure this has been known for a while, as it has also happened to me many times. If sugar sees it, he should be able to fix it pretty easily.
  24. Lmao this made me laugh a little I don't know why
  25. lol this is like my second day of joining the server, and I barley learned it :DuckerZ: plus it's the only way to get those kiddos out of your base. *2nd day on server* *Gets 97% richer than any one else ever has*
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