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The Fast Turtle


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by The Fast Turtle

  1. I completely agree, even though around a year ago I was banned. But before that it felt free, it didn’t feel like every other DarkRP server where you would feel constantly restricted and limited by the rules. Now people are being punished for disrespect and the punishment for racism doesn’t make any sense. When a staff member punishes someone for racism they 90% of the time don’t care about context. But this is my own OPINION feel free to take this however you like.
  2. Name:Turtel Favorite Job/Class:Bounty Hunter Favorite way to get Money:Bounties or Cooking meth Do you have Discord?(we are trying to get our own discord role):yea, mihi#2278 Any details about yourself that are worth knowing?: I also like using the custom class I have access to but I don’t base often. I am also on very often.
  3. So people are allowed to do this without any repercussions?
  4. Yea I really don’t see a problem removing one of the trails, or maybe replacing it if that is an option. I do see this being VERY over powered to the point where mat grenades would be useless, but for some reason like Blake said I haven’ seen anyone use it.
  5. Exploit Description: I am not sure how to get trails but I randomly got one and it was a sort of blurry clear trail. When I look through the trail I was able to see through world glow props. How to reproduce: I don’t know how you can get trails but if you get the clear one then I assume you can look through world glow props like I have. (I have only seen it work once so far) Priority: Medium to Low depending on how easy it is to get a trail. PS I am wrote this on my phone
  6. I haven't been on recently, at all. I haven't really been playing video games too often becuase I've been getting pretty bored of the games that are out there and the games I have. Hopefully I can comeback to the server one day and have fun with it. Maybe it will be like last time, and I come back after a few months. I'll come on once in a while...... Maybe.
  7. I'm not sure if this is serious or not but if it is, I completely agree with ospevon and Blacnova, they would just get wrecked all the time. It is literally pointless, can't do anything but get killed and kidnap certain people. If it's jokes den another one another one another one meme lelelelelel xdxdxdxx
  8. Same thing happened to me so I know what you feel man, hope to see you back soon!
  9. I hope everything works out <3 and tbh I thought you were acting normal.
  10. Lol me and Mr.President walked into the theatre and saw a black box in the corner with you in it xD
  11. Dis video edIting skiel reminds me of mah faZe montãge. Dem scrubs be getin quad head shot 360 quikscop drop shot collateral. Jk bb
  12. So basically I was playing then someone called for an admin and said "this guys is prop blocking and his base is impossible to get into" it was a crouch base. So I noclip inside to see if there was a keypad, and there was. I used the keypad checker on it and it said it was connected to the prop they were saying wasn't a fading door, (it was a fence) so I try and lock pick it myself and It didn't work so I noclipped to the part forcing the player to crouch and I had to hit a certain spot to lock pick. So what I'm saying is fences are weird when it comes to lock picking compared to different props. You need to find the right angle to lock pick it, and when it's a crouch base it could be impossible to lock pick. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or I'm being stupid, but it's just something I noticed.
  13. I made a J-Walking lay and commando was like nein dat not allowed. :(
  14. lel I'm first to post on christmas rekt
  15. Like Ospevon says I have been off for the holidays and get some videos or screen shots, or any proof at all, once someone actually gets demoted for it then some staff members may come to their senses and do things. I am not seclusion my self from these staff members, sometimes I don't go to certain people because the piss me off. Please even if it's me get some proof and report them.
  16. I'm not sure if there are pages for plogs (sounds dumb) but when I was in a sit it said he died but when I checked damage logs I couldn't find anything that damaged him so I was like oh next page because it happened a few minutes ago and I couldn't find a way to get to the next page. I know it Sounds dumb but it wouldn't make any sense for him to die and nothing damaged him, so I'm not sure if I'm not seeing it or it's an issue.
  17. This server is a very good stress reliever for many people because most of the people becuase most of the players are students of some kind and for me the semester is ending and a lot of exams are coming up so I'm pretty stressed. But some people are older so they are even more stressed.
  18. Like Nova said you have to use "@" to talk to actual staff. Staff are real people to you know, so their trying to play the server they actually enjoy also, hence the reason they came mod. We are not Bots flying around the area looking your issues, like if I looked at kill logs and I teleport every one I saw in logs that killed people probably 6-7 out of 10 people would have a valid RP reason. And yeah you heard the rest from the Nova and Ospevon, blah re-post this in the correct section, blah blah, use template, blah blah
  19. Not the first time I've seen a page full of white balls before.
  20. Alright I remember a few months ago you had plogs in and I'm pretty sure most staff didn't like it. I will give it a chance but if this also causes issues (may not concern errors) what will you change it to?
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