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Devious Dachshund


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Devious Dachshund

  1. In order to claim a coinflip after winning, you have to have enough space for all the items. Not many people have a lot of open inventory spaces, and this can easily be abused by buying for example a shipment of 50 pistols, then converting them into 1 stack and joining people's flips and making them either clear a bunch of inventory space for nothing, or unable to claim it completely.

    So I suggest having a button that can instantly sell the items to the NPC, that way people don't have to deal with this shit, ngl I did it a few times before, but after it happened to me I realized how annoying it was and I've heard other people complain about this.

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