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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HentaiFapperSupreme

  1. For the last two months I have been asking off-and-on where the "mmm fuck dat mmm" sound for the pickup box comes from and nobody has known the true answer. Would somebody be able to enlighten me on where this wonderful piece of lost media comes from. Thank you.
  2. Again, as interesting as it may be, I didn't make this post to perform a rhetorical study of my language, Let people comment on accepted/denied posts for 24 hours before blocking replies
  3. the vegas of gmod lmao, well I guess so - gambling, corruption, debauchery - okay, I'll take that one. Maybe just make it America more generally.
  4. Tell me another place on earth that is permissible and full of sin with nobody there to stop it, or at least, the people in power are affiliated in that sin and corruption. It's a suitable simile but NOT a suitable statement, the server IS NOT Epstein Island, for obvious reasons. Again, going over basic English here.
  5. Dude, idk how you can call me not right when I'm legit criticising the staff team for burying pedo allegations lmfao.
  6. if server wasn't important I wouldn't be standing up against what I perceive to be problems with it. I insult the server and criticise it because I care about it. Hence my high-ish playtime and zero warns or bans.
  7. server important, it's just an exaggerative joke to say that the morals of some of the mod team are skewed and clearly don't understand the seriousness of some offences.
  8. Again, the title of this post: Let people comment on accepted/denied posts for 24 hours before blocking replies I want to know what people think about the title of this post, nothing else, especially not just from this one moderator lol.
  9. Yes, a simile is not the same as a statement brother, I did not say the server IS Epstein Island. Just like people say trump is like Hitler, they would also agree that those two nouns are definitely not the same thing. Basic english bro.
  10. I love it how this whole post has just been turned into a firestorm around something that the post wasn't even focused on. Instead of focusing on my actual suggestion, one staff member has just tried to dogpile on me for one small aspect, ignoring the rest of the appeal. I'm not the one making this 29 pages, and the nothing is repeating a single one of my points without focusing on the actual reason I made this post.
  11. I didn't call it epstein island, I said it is LIKE, there is a difference, and I also provided an explanation afterwards saying that it was because of the crazy permissibility.
  12. Clearly not, I have said that the server staff have a terrible stance on the seriousness of pedo accusations and doxxing.
  13. People can't vote fairly when a administrator requests we send the evidence privately to just them. How am I going on about nothing? I have made the same suggestion over and over - 24 hours after a verdict, allow comments, the deletion issue is totally secondary to that. It doesn't take more than basic reading skills to understand that. I believe, as this post was about, though you want to make it ALL ABOUT the deletion, that comments should be allowed after the verdict has been reached for 24 HOURS so that non moderators can also critique the judgement and summarise the situation. It is quite simple. The message deletion is not a problem because staff members can see it, the issue is that regular players cannot, regular players who actually made the reports, such as my friend, who has a genuine interest in bringing about the suitable punishment since he is the one being accused of pedophilia, whereas a lot of the staff team here seem to take very little seriously, including genuinely considering unbanning players who have MULTIPLE pedo allegations and doxxing on their accounts and have had permas. It's just immature really. Somebody who fakes pedo evidence, somebody who doxxes, etc, somebody who alts SHOULD be permanently banned and not allowed into the community, but this server's stance on pedo allegations, doxxing etc is pretty shocking tbh compared to anything else I've ever played. Like the Epstein Island of Garry's Mod lol (in the sense that it permits criminality and lets people get away with anything).
  14. Sitting back and putting laugh emotes on my responses is a real good way of putting across your argument. Real smart bro
  15. It doesn't have to be against a staff member but yes. I think giving people a day to comment on the verdict and critique it would be useful rather than sounding it all out. I mean one staff member can just take a case without the evidence, ignore relevant evidence and give little to no punishment. I'll elaborate here, there is a big difference between a week ban and a six month or a perma ban. I'm saying that on two separate occasions Valmira, to provide an example, has broken rules that warrant a 2 week and a six month/perma, and then has been given a week - and because a week looks long and is still a punishment, the mod gets away with it. When that decision has been made on those reports, even if the verdict can't been changed, people SHOULD be able to comment on it, just so that injustice is clearly put in the record and anybody can see any additional relevant info required, such as saying that relevant messages were deleted to remove permabannable evidence from the eyes of anyone but the moderator who knows they are still hidden and hold something worth punishment. Basically, verdict is reached - people comment on verdict for a day, and then post is totally locked. No option for message deletion, manipulation, etc - all of it set in stone.
  16. I'll be clear, just to help you understand the post: - The suggestion was for accepted/denied posts to be unlocked for 24 hours after the verdict has been reached, so that all parties involved can clear the water afterward and so that the narrative cannot be fixed by the administrator who dealt with it and potentially deleted comments to alter how things could appear Your initial counterargument was that admins could see deleted comments - okay? Great, so the admin who is dealing with the post can hide the comments that make them and their friends look bad, which they have, in my experience of these forums rather than allowing people to see what has been said. And since you've said this is about nothing, I'll provide an example. Valmira's report. Every single comment by Valmira, including ones in which he insults other members of staff, pushes false evidence and false pedo accusations, have all been deleted. Anybody who looks at that post can't see how he incriminated himself, and thus, he lives with his week ban when his offences were tantamount to community removal. That's why I make this suggestion. Because the people involved, including my friend, who is pretty shaken after having pictures of himself as a minor leaked, false and serious allegations made against him, and then having it all covered up, have to live with the fact that justice wasn't served JUST because the administrator was friends with the person involved, and was able to mask the whole thing by saying "it's confusing and messy". If my suggestion was put in place here, I would be able to explain that we had tidily proivided all the evidence in a single comment, AND that further evidence had been messaged to another administrator, who was meant to be dealing with the issue and conveniently pushed aside so that F___ could deal with it, which he did, while he sat in a private sit with Valmira in game and typed up his response (which I have screenshots of). A couple of days later, I made two comments on agro's ban appeal. one of which, that stated there was corruption involved in Agro's ban, was conveniently hidden for everyone to not see, and then of course F___, the same mod that dealt with Valmira's report, only responded to me as if I'd made one comment, when he deleted the other one. - Because my suggestion has not been put in place, I and anyone else involved was not able to make a final response and comment on the verdict, which I would have done, to expose how the narrative had been twisted to make the mod team look better, JUST as it was in the case of Valmira. To cover for corruption and errors made. The admins twist the forums, hide messages and thus hide evidence and then block comments in order to fix situations in their and their friends favour. That, my friend, is corruption. This forum is corrupt.
  17. Let's just pretend this is about nothing because you're afraid to admit how corrupt your whole forum is lol. Haven't seen any convincing counter arguments. Been playing DarkRP for six years, played this server for a month and I think I've just about got it all worked out. I ask politely for an explanation to why my suggestion is wrong and you refuse to explain lol. Yeah we don't need to discuss this but I and others have noticed how this system is being exploited for the admins' nepotism.
  18. All I was trying to say was that the current system of dealing with reports and appeals on the forums is biased in the favour of the single administrator who ends up dealing with it, as well as the party with the most connections to said administrator. The current system is abusable, players can contact admins who aren't even involved in the process and have no evidence, get the case suddenly passed to them and then sit together "mulling it over" figuring out how to do as much damage control as possible for the player involved. Administrators can then exploit the deletion system to make it appear in the record that the player involved was innocent and didn't say anything on the forums that incriminated them further. This deletion can of course occur right before the judgement has been made which means that anyone else involved cannot understand the judgement and takes it at face value. Then, because the comments are not unlocked for 24 hours, whatever judgement the admin takes, corrupt or not, omitting or not, is taken by the forum record as gospel despite its occasionally dubious reliability. It is a system which encourages and in practice creates corruption.
  19. and to provide the verdict with necessary context which may have been deliberately omitted by the staff member in question to manipulate the judgement.
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