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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Doctore

  1. This is probably going to be a very unpopular opinion given that I play among people with stable latency and an eagerness to brag about FPS skills. But I thought I'd mention it to at least start a dialogue of some kind and maybe things will work out somehow. I don't play Bounty Hunter very often and when I do it is for quests/BP/LQ. The biggest frustration I've had with this is not that I've been failing, but rather the biggest contributor to those failures. I respect anyone that can put up a good fight and come out victorious. What I can't stand is metagaming to instantly gain the upper hand and the odds are impossibly stacked against the bounty hunter. This is because of a talent people can add which allows them to track their bounty and get alerted in large inscriptions that a bounty hunter is coming after you. Any normal human in response to that goes into defence mode and looks for anyone wearing a boba fett model. Usually armed to the teeth and fully armoured. Some are even spiteful enough to suicide and wait for a bounty hunter to show up just to know which one was targeting them. All because this talent gives them OOC information and enables them to rig the odds against a job. How does any staff look at me then and say "You cannot use ooc information in an RP situation"? They can't. Instead any and all response to this sort of complaint is met with "just get good". The talent I refer to might possibly be "Black Envelope" I propose this talent undergoes a revision to address this problem. Just to reiterate; the biggest issue I see with it is metagaming. That's it. The rest of what I've said is to illustrate the point.
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pureus/screenshot/2542926815938054971/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pureus/screenshot/2542926815938057582/
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