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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Developer

  1. according to the senior moderator smelly, if its not in the MOTD then staff shouldn't punish for it! Thank your Senior moderator smelly I agree!
  2. Loitering signs outside of spawn tunnel are not allowed, however Hyder had a building sign up and the roof is explicitly apart of the base. According to this rule: "Rooftops that are not explicitly part of the base (door leading to it) DO count as sky-bases." the "door leading to it" is just an example and is being removed shortly from MOTD to clear any further confusion. This rule: "Trespassing makes you KoS. This means if you trespass someone's house while they are "building" you will die." Would apply here. That is why you were killed, as you were Trespassing while Hyder was building. Hopefully this clears up any confusion
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