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really cool rat


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by really cool rat

  1. Category:





    When following the steps provided, every couple of minutes your first person camera will switch to the default position when you respawn in a single frame. Your character also makes a "ah" sound effect that typically plays when you die in CSGO.

    The only way you can stop this effect from happening is to leave and rejoin the server. Changing jobs, consuming more meth, dying, etc. will NOT fix the bug.

    There have been several instances where this bug occurs during a firefight which throws off my aim and more often than not gets me killed.

    How to reproduce:

    1. Create any type of meth
    2. Pack meth on packing counter without a container (this will make the meth turn into a bag of meth)
    3. Consume meth
  2. As of now, the color of the marker is either red or green . Unfortunately, if you're colorblind like me then you will have a very difficult time seeing this marker since it often blends in with the color scheme the map has.


    If we could change the color of this marker similar to how we're able to change revolt colors, then that would be amazing for folks like me who suffer from colorblindness.



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