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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by F___

  1. Trial Moderator to Moderator Training Sheet!



    While there isn't a whole lot different from Trial Mod to Mod there's still some differences worth covering so everyone is on the same page about what the responsibilities of a Mod is!


    Ban Extensions

    As a Mod you can now extend bans for Tmods and ban people for up to a week, no need to write out extensions for simple MRDM sits anymore!


    To extend bans for Tmods you can find them in the ULX menu, Under the Bans tab type out the word "extend " and it'll show all the bans that need to be extended.



    (Make sure you have a space at the end of extend)


    If you see a ban in there that needs to be extended for more than a week and is about to expire you can extend up to a week then a SMod+ will extend it further!



    Voting on Trial Moderator Applications 

    Now that you're a Moderator you can finally touch those Trial Mod applications that you previously were not allowed to. 



    When a new application comes in wait at least 24 hours before committing to vote, during this time you can ask additional questions if you feel the answers to the initial questions weren't enough and watch the person in game to get an idea of their attitude and if they're a good fit for the team.


    We highly encourage everyone to vote on new applications as it gives the SMod team a better idea if someone would be a good fit for our team.


    Forums Moderating 

    Now that you're a Mod you have more of a presence on the forums and more responsibilities. 


    There's already a fantastic post made about how to moderate the forums which explains in depth about the moderation tools on the forums!






    It is a little dated so not everything applies anymore but its still a great resource you should read through!


    Voting on appeals and reports isn't necessary as a mod but it helps with deciding if an appeal gets accepted or denied.


    You can also accept and deny these ban appeals and reports but only if it was something like a false voteban or  with permission from the Smod Team.

    e.g Johnny got votebanned for "Being cringe lololol". That's pretty clear its a false voteban and if you see it around first then you can accept it and unban the person, otherwise for any other appeals and reports leave the decision of it up the SMods.



    As a Mod you can now do refunds!

    This window can be accessed by doing !refund (name) or using the Refund button on the sit menu. As a Mod you can only refund people your rank and below but you can't refund yourself.


    The first option provided is used for refunding exact amounts of cash and respawning entities. It would mostly be used for instances where someone may have lost stock in the gun stand or an entity has glitched out of the map and they're unable to purchase a new one. Note your limit of cash to refund is $300k a day. 



    The second option is what you'll be using the most. This is for refunding items lost on death. This is to be used in the case of items being lost due to RDM, not because someone died by their own hands and wants a refund because they lost a gun. 



     All refunds are logged through the discord, if you're caught abusing it you'll be demoted.


    Being there for the Trial Mods When They Need Help

    Just as you were asking the moderators for help on things you're now in that position yourself. You've become experienced enough to be promoted to Moderator and the Trial Mods will be coming to you to get help and advice. We are all a team here and don't want you to be ignoring the Trial Mods because you don't want to deal with them, that's part of being a Moderator and apart of the Chain of Command we have in the staff team. 


    And just because you're a mod doesn't mean you're not allowed to ask for help from the SMods anymore, even we SMods need help and we don't expect you guys to know everything!


    You can also if you wish too sit in and watch trainings of new staff or with SMod supervision train new staff as they get accepted and train new Mods, just send a message in Mod chat in discord when an app is accepted and a SMod will reach out too you!


    Mod Chat in Discord 

    You now have access to the Mod chat on Discord. It's basically Tmod Help minus the Tmods, if you need help or want to discuss current applications this is the place for it, otherwise send your better memes here, the Tmods don't deserve to see them.


    Congratulations on Finally Taking a Shower!!!




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