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President Pooptickler


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  1. Congratulations we've made it on another Zuthar13 video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkcs8RQH5xM
  2. We need to change the rules regarding the mayor. I've tried to play as the mayor and it's pointless because in the first minute of being mayor I get killed. We need to have some sort of time, like you cant kill the mayor in the first 5 minutes as he was elected. That or make the mayor a permanent class where when you die you don't revert back to citizen. It's just pointless to play as mayor sometimes when there are 20 people killing you as you try and put the laws up.
  3. Now I might be going a little crazy here but I think between some people there is favortism going on in the server. I encountered a problem a couple weeks ago and today. A couple weeks ago I was raiding the PD and without warning or an advert someone (not naming names, but he was a VIP) came up and killed me, without adverting counter or anything. I asked him why, he said he was raiding, now I understand if you are raiding you can kill people in the base in which you are raiding but I was raiding also, so the correct action would to be to advert counter. I tried hard to get a mod to me, no one would come so I begged the admins to at least warn him of rdm, yet no one would. This right here I would've gotten a warn from an admin if I did something like this. Now today I was playing and then I was raiding a base and in the backyard were a bunch of drugs, I decided to take them for myself and then someone came up and was shooting me from behind, so I quickly turned back and killed the guy in self defense. However since I was in another player's base the guy should've adverted counter instead the reason behind him attempting to kill me was that he was raiding. How could he raid me if I'm in someone else's base, anyhow, I contacted the mod, he told me I was in the right and I asked him to warn the guy. The problem was that he only gotten a verbal warning, which if I would've done that I would've gotten an actual warn. Attempted RDM is not something you give a verbal warning to, you know. Maybe it's just me being naive and not knowing the rules to the fullest extent, but both of these cases seemed to me as favortism, like the VIPs get away with everything that the regular players don't.
  4. Thanks for acknowledging this, I do think that if we get some sort of varification that someone is mugging you then it would be nice. Thanks for implementing the notification system on mugging, it's going to help a lot.
  5. But that's what I want? I don't exactly see why you are arguing against me. Maybe I'm reading your message wrong. I want there to be adverts for mugs, maybe not raids because it's easy to figure out in a sit if someone is raiding you instead of RDMing you. However muggings should always be advert because a player could lie to an admin saying they were mugging you instead of rdming you.
  6. A couple things, please bring back adverted mugs, was killed today for literally no reason and all the guy said for his response was "Oh I was mugging you". This shit is bullshit (excuse my language) but honestly if he would've adverted mug I would be on my way. Also please make it so that people in a sit should be allowed to bring witnesses, Bobo brought me to a sit and I told him multiple times to bring a witness you saw everything and even defended me against this guy through OOC, but Bobo refused to bring him, quite frankly that is bullshit. I had proof against this guy that he rdmed me rather than mug me, yet this rdmer got off scott-free. Absolutely ridiculous.
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