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    Draco Malfoy

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  1. draco malfoy here, i have been banned for the second time for now a month for player toxicity or innapropriate message and i just want it to be known that the staff are some soft ass pussy ass niggas that can't take no joke, therefore you should definitely not talk if staff in chat is on because they will say ''bruuu you know you can't say stuff like that''(like some pussy ass virgin ass boys that are staff on gmod to have authority online because they don't got no respect irl) and when you try to explain they start discussing with each other what the ban duration is(like some virgins) therefore, i officialy declare that i should be unbanned because the staff are some pussy ass niggas that are not able to let people talk in the chat in peace because they have nothing else significant to do and they want to get more bans to rank up
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