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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TGRepto

  1. TGRepto

    My god...

    Just, What. The. Fuck. What is all this new cancer? I'm supposed to be banned but I can still visit lmao, I'm looking at these new jobs, updates, and conversations, it's absolute aids. Just bring it back to the server from my "era". It was so much more fun at that point. It's actually cancer right now, I'm running around on the server and I can't stand it, it's beyond cringy and super irritating how retarded the server has become... I understand that you guys think that making the server more autistic will fix your player issue with fun, but it won't... It's so aids to the point where people don't won't want to play anymore, the retardation with the jobs and new implementations are actually overwhelming me with cringe.
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