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�bmoc� salty �


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by �bmoc� salty �

  1. It happens just call them out i was one when 4 mods and 1 admin was on i did 5 sits for rdm

    And 2 propblocks and there were

    Some on for mass rdm,etc no one claimed it

    It happens just call them out i was once on when 4 mods and 1 admin was on i did 5 sits for rdm

    And 2 propblocks and there were

    Some on for mass rdm,etc no one claimed it Me and and this tmod had to do them ;/

  2. i'm happy that i can now base as cp do you know how annoying it is to have so player throw a c4 and wipe out half or all of my police with his special cc gun while i can't use mine and i have to use like a auto against idk a heavy machine gun

  3. no.. just cause you say "i like to help people" doesn't mean oh damn he needs to be promoted after one day.. he needs to be watched on how he handles situation and other things it takes like 1-2 weeks or more to see if they qualify

  4. Moist don't please i love you man ;-; next to drunk and kaboing 


    from my experience some people know i'm strict in sits and if you act like a retard you will be treated like a child if someone throws a racial slur i'll gag them and ask them after 2 minutes "are you ready to act your age and not act like a complete moron?" and if they do it again gag them until they get the point or if you have to ban/warn for staff disrespect. plus listen dude i know to the server has changed from my almost 2 years on this journey of titsrp we are consider the old generation and if we wimp out each time someone calls us a "nigger","jew","bitch" how will we toughen up tmods? please reconsider 


    also remember we have the ability gag for a reason ;3

  5. dude send the staff team nudes for a auto accept


    Mmmmmm, tasty....


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    how do you think i got accepted? 

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    You deserve +1 Reputation for that.






    (¬‿¬) you get 1 rep and a nude

  6. dude send the staff team nudes for a auto accept


    Mmmmmm, tasty....


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    how do you think i got accepted? 

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • Like 1
  7. If you have a problem with staff there's a certain section for that were you can report them for abuse,minge,etc 

    and please this thread is only here to start drama and fights and at the request of 2 players who know that if this thread stays up longer drama will just occur


    so Closing thread

  8. well heres a idea name 


    illegal Bond broker 

    Vip permission (yes) 

    job description ( so you failed wallstreet now your selling illegal bonds to players just don't get caught)


    the illegal bond broker will have two tiers of bonds 

    tier 1 (cost) 10,000 non illegal can't be shutdown/taken by cops makes interest every hour

    tier 2 (cost) 20,000 non legal can be come legalized from mayor choice builds interest every 40 minutes

    tier 3 (Cost) 30,000 very illegal can be confiscated by police and arrested builds interest every 30 minutes 

    tier 4 (Cost) 40,000 extremely illegal can be confiscated by police and shutdown immediately if found distributed 20 minutes same with tier 5 police will be notified but the award for shutting down the illegal bonds will be smaller around 10-20,000

    tier 5 (cost) 100,000 highly illegal only 5 can be sold maximum to the whole server for the whole day only 2 per person if the person leaves 2 slots for it will be opened up so a new player can buy them these stocks build up every 10 minutes but to nerf it from being abused police will be alerted for each highly illegal sale that " A Illegal Government bond was sold find it and shut it down for good" The cop who finds it will get a 40,000 reward that will be divided upon the whole pd  


    if your thinking how does the broker make money? well he gets a small 1-2% of the money you invest with him


    Jobs like these are cool but when you have to put trust into your players to play the game correctly without farming cash then you're going to have a bad economy. That is why a lot of jobs / items are conditional and take time for cash. Any job that doesn't rely on another person's cooperation usually has a higher payout because you can't abuse it.


    More ways to make money will be in the server for the next update so you shouldn't have to worry

    alright dad plus will you open up the test server so we could have a glimpse at them

  9. well heres a idea name 


    illegal Bond broker 

    Vip permission (yes) 

    job description ( so you failed wallstreet now your selling illegal bonds to players just don't get caught)


    the illegal bond broker will have two tiers of bonds 

    tier 1 (cost) 10,000 non illegal can't be shutdown/taken by cops makes interest every hour

    tier 2 (cost) 20,000 non legal can be come legalized from mayor choice builds interest every 40 minutes

    tier 3 (Cost) 30,000 very illegal can be confiscated by police and arrested builds interest every 30 minutes 

    tier 4 (Cost) 40,000 extremely illegal can be confiscated by police and shutdown immediately if found distributed 20 minutes same with tier 5 police will be notified but the award for shutting down the illegal bonds will be smaller around 10-20,000

    tier 5 (cost) 100,000 highly illegal only 5 can be sold maximum to the whole server for the whole day only 2 per person if the person leaves 2 slots for it will be opened up so a new player can buy them these stocks build up every 10 minutes but to nerf it from being abused police will be alerted for each highly illegal sale that " A Illegal Government bond was sold find it and shut it down for good" The cop who finds it will get a 40,000 reward that will be divided upon the whole pd  


    if your thinking how does the broker make money? well he gets a small 1-2% of the money you invest with him

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