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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by KS0�

  1. Uh I'm not good at this stuff but since people are starting to notice me around i might as well do this. As one of those players on the server everyone so called "dislikes" Id rather just introduce myself fully. I dont know where people got this but no im not a girl, im a male human smd My names Daniel, I've been known as ks0, kaeso, chuckless and now TXL l Chuckles. I'm 16 years old and live in New York, yet im russian and speak the language fluently, I absolutley enjoy cooking and go to school for it and hopefully go into the military when im older, or if not just become a chef or something. I dunno. I live with my mother (haha make a joke) but i plan to move out and into a place with my girlfriend once im out of school (We've been together for awhile dont ask) I dont know what else to say, Im a really chill dude ingame but all of cx and everyone else seems to dislike me for a sit my buds irl (Dope21 and Reversed) caused during a raid at our base. Im the type of dude to get over things but its all good. Idk what else to say but if you read this then uh you like bread?
  2. I barley knew skipper and didnt know how "toxic" (I hate this word so much) people say he was untill i raided him once, Personally i dont see toxic behavior as something very harmful to the server. As usually one person whos negative gets pushed by everyone else as a community. Though it was really intriguing to watch the whole video. -Chuckless
  3. Its not really the medgun and the being raiding is the problem for me, its just the c4 having to build your base all over again is. because i feel it isnt worth it if you get raided just to build a different design just for it to get c4ed again. everything i do they get passed my defenses with c4. stacking them doesent help for me
  4. This is a suggestion. Idk if its just me but when your a regular member you get like buillied by all VIPs seriously i make a base and i take like 2 hours setting it up and it gets raided by like 10 people just for me to build it again bc of c4 being so easily crafted. although that sounds like a personal problem. I feel like VIP jobs should be nerfed, not because i want it to be easiar. But for at least to have the same priority. Whatever jobs spawn with that like medic gun shit, i think that should be removed. they literally go in shoot, if they get shot they leave the base and heal. they continue this over and over again. I also think members should have adv dupe or something. I make a real nice base with stacked shit and all that other stuff and it takes like 1 hour or more to build. then 10 mins after i make the remove the building sign it gets c4ed and well i have to build it all over again. also adding that they take all my printers that i can never make a profit out of bc of how quickly and fast i get raided. I dont think you need to remove all this, i just think something needs to change. either members get buffed or a nerf to vip of some sort. i just think members having to not have medic guns and buying expensive shipments and printers just to be outridden by vips that can constantly heal, self supply.. and easily take your printers is a bit much
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