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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Speedy

  1. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the  depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.  :sleepy:


    And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid  :P

  2. hecko everyone, I am moving to Florida in the upcoming week and haven't been on too much already, because I am trying to say my goodbyes to friends and pack stuff. I will be completely inactive for atleast 1-2 weeks and just wanted to give everyone a heads up, and so booper can update the staff list.

  3. I deleted and reinstalled all my shit, I think I got ptsd from it, but it helped alot with the crashing. I feel like my crashing now is when I start typing in chat. Give me someone to add on discord ill send my crash report.

  4. Can't raid a base that nobody owns, it isn't a base. If there's (RAIDABLE) entities inside, you can raid it for the entities. If it's a base someone owns but someone else is inside, anybody inside a base is KOS while you are raiding it.


    If you can provide any form of evidence whatsoever at all that a staff member is biased or abusive, they will be subject to a serious talking to or straight demotion. Why can you not provide any screen shots of the console or chat regarding this situation?


    Do not call sits that do not describe the situation such as "admins pls help," there is an administrator-set precedent to completely ignore these sits. It's ridiculous to put so little effort into caring and then expect us to believe you care.


    If you were not involved in a situation and did not bother to read what actually happened, don't talk about it as if you know what happened.


    There was no raidables inside and he didnt own ANY doors in the base. He warned me for failrp because I bought the door to his "base" but he didnt own a door so hows it his base?. Also I didnt call a sit for "admins please help" I was refering to how many times you need to call for an admin to get one, you beta cuck. God Bless America

  5. If you are "raiding" someone and they dont own any of the doors to the house, is it considered a raid? No one lives there I thought. Just a quick question for a sit I just had. I get a feeling as if there is alot of bias among staff members, I imagine them all in the same teamspeak like a bunch of nerds, which spreads bias even further than just the 1 staff member. I called for a sit to help with an issue me and pilkas had that was a sticky situation (the first sentence, he warned me and left without getting another staff member's opinion, besides an admin that wasent there or heard the situation saying, "lol no" in ooc) with no good answer. I called for an avalible staff member and it got declined for: "No hes not" after requesting someone not involved in the rp situation so no bias is involved in the sit. I feel as sugar titties' hard work may go to waste someday, the staff as of now being biggest threat of killing the server. Also theres nothing wrong with staff perfering rp more than sits, but usually you need to report the issue in "@ admins pls help" chat about 5-10 times before getting your sit handled, usually about 10 minutes after the action of the sit took place. One example that made me cringe is when someone called Kalysta emo and she started muting and banning people. Keep in mind there are good staff, but the current staff need to be hit with the reality of quality over quantity.





  6. This video doesn't prove anything other than that he opened fading doors, came out and shot you. Did you bother to check if there were buttons like he said inside the base before banning him?


    FDA Definition from the rules: 

    • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.

    He says here in his original post "Today I had a base with buttons inside of it and my companions opened 2 fading doors". He seems to claim that his party members pressed the buttons that opened the doors, which would not be FDA at all.


    He also claims he attempted to tell you this but you didn't seem to care enough to check "They get killed and then Pilkas calls a sit, doesent even look inside my base, and just bans me for 6 hours and says I lied in a sit." 



    This whole seems fishy af. If either Speedy or Piklas could post a longer recording of the whole thing that would easily clear it up.


    There is strong bias towards me for some reason, I honestly dont know why hes been like this. He did not check my base and you can see after I killed him I didnt even use my buttons to get back inside the base, I hid behind the wall, also him not checking my base whatso ever puts him in the wrong completly. he said he was recording so ask him to send you his pov.

  7. I sincerely think Pilkas should report back to this post and give his side of information. Since Speedy is claiming he recorded the incident, the recording should end it as fast as it started yes?


    Why not ignore it until I get on? I think he wants me to deal with the ban, or he wouldent have just done it so fast.

  8. So Pilkas has had a bad attitude towards me latley, I "broke" nlr one time then procceded to go on a 2 minute bathroom break and come back banned for 24 hours. Today I had a base with buttons inside of it and my companions opened 2 fading doors that had no effect on the raiders, Pilkas and Silly. They get killed and then Pilkas calls a sit, doesent even look inside my base, and just bans me for 6 hours and says I lied in a sit. I would like to only have to deal with him rp wise and not admin wise as he has been very aggressive with banning and must have a problem with me. Idk if a ban appeal is worth a 6 hour wait but I had so much in my base I think thats why he swiftly banned me, whatever I guess.

  9. hecko I believe that being a cop is a very key part of the roleplay experiance, and that the police force can generate may ways of getting money or facing consequences for your actions. The Non-Lethal M4 itself is a good idea, but I think is in need of a nerf of some sort, as it permanetly breaks your legs and is very annoying to deal with when trolls/minges abuse it. I am posting this to ask of a nerf for this "Weapon". A quick replacment in my mind would be a stun gun or tazer, that has one use every minute or whatever in your opinion is an appropriate time/cooldown.

  10. I love this server. I love everything about it, and I would like to suggest a small change to the Boombox. One of my favorite activities is playing request for people in pursuit of fun, money, or both. However, my complaint is that the cost of the Boombox is...expensive. So, I would like to suggest lowering the price from the hefty $6K to a manageable $3K, $4.5K, or lower. Another idea would be to have certain classes like, for example, the Radio Broadcaster, or even the Restaurant Owner so he/she can put a nice atmosphere to their dining area without breaking the bank (or robbing it).





    Lowering this cost will allow those with less money than some of us to have a good time with their favorite songs (and possibly cover up the sounds of a meth lab, too). Plus, it could provide a good RP purpose (like in my class examples above).


    Please take this into consideration and, if it can't work, I understand.


    I like this idea, it makes torturing people much more easy, and could add to the rp experience, like covering printers noise or just killing people quietly. Now I can spread my terrible music taste to everyone and they cant refuse! hahaha.

  11. This was happening to me, I have so many people muted it will take time to unmute everyone, but It went away on its own, so I would say client side. Alot of my friends have been complaining of this though so who knows? Best of luck getting it fixed man.

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