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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Tango

  1. Hey guys im looking to get some weps and sweps so if there a deal we can work out pm please and ill get back to you as soon as I can
  2. ok sorry dude I just didn't want to bug you and im new to this thing
  3. So wtf I read the Donation post Tits post and it says I can by a CC with in get money the problem is that I have not a single clue how to get it I pm Sugar about it yesterday idk if I just need to wait or I cant with in game money or I missed something
  4. Tango

    Staff Rant

    its not a new person I don't think
  5. Tango

    Staff Rant

    So I'm going in Garry's Mod for my favorite servers titsrp of course Just to jump straight into the action so I'm farming on one of the Harvest, based closest to spawn. Have a good setup going up around 8 printers, 2 Bitcoin miner pros, 750 lbs of weed and four Bitcoin miners standard. So I'm chilling and these guys decide to come raid me which is cool. So no one knocks out the other one with the bludgeon and throws him over my wall which is exploiting. As soon as he wakes up I quickly dispatch him before his friend on the other side of the road on top of a roof attempts to kill me. Then probably two minutes later the same people they do the same exact thing I put up barriers so they can't throw each other over and they do the same thing all over again. A long story short, at this point I made around 4 calls about these guys and not a single staff member arrived, and I end up getting killed by two exporters and lose all of my shit because the staff was too busy playing checkers then worrying about their job that they were hired/ volunteered to do. Special Thanks to the Greatest Staff [Head Admin] Great Gazooks [Trial Mod] JesusFaceDude [Moderator] Bzerk Keller [Moderator] Unbound Buddy Holly: Mall Cop And his buddy
  6. Tango

    Mod app ?

    Thank you guys :D
  7. Tango

    Mod app ?

    So what's the deal with my mod application its like completely dead I've gotten no responses or replies except for one and its been about 3-4 days like what do I do ?
  8. Tango

    Meth bug

    Bug Description: Meth stuff doesn't open with shift How to reproduce: Try opening any meth container Priority: Medium
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