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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by ShadowPigX

  1. Your In-Game Name:

    Chick Dipper

    Your Steam ID:


    Who are you reporting?:

    Koda STEAM_0:0:458037811

    Why are you reporting this player?:

    Biased Mod, RDMd twice, claimed the ticket against them, and was just told to read the rules.

    Do you have evidence related to this incident?:


    Relevant Info:


    As CP, I went to deposit money into the bank. After placing my money into the bank I was killed by the bank manager. I assumed it was a mistake, but was frustrated regardless, so I went to withdraw the money I had deposited. Once I got to the screen I was killed again. Upon making a sit, the ticket was picked up BY the person that had RDMd me, where I was basically told to just read the rules,

    Which the rules state: 

    Cops require a valid warrant in order to raid a base. Raiding a base without a warrant is FailRP.


    A Bank Heist Advert is required to raid the bank.

    Neither of which happened, so I could not have been raiding.

    As for the claim/accusation of NLR, the rules state to "use your best judgment", whereas returning to the bank, a public building, to withdraw my money after being gunned down; according to my judgment was not with the intent to attempt a raid or exact revenge.

    and of course with him being a mod, they are not going to warn themselves. Sits are meant to be a form of rule regulation, and Mods are in place to uphold them. The title should not be a break rules as you please card.

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