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Ivory Partnaite


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ivory Partnaite

  1. Nobody plays restaurant owner, and that's probably because shipments are frustrating. They never give you the things you need and the cooldown is horribly long. So I think these changes should be made: + Shipments get one of each ingredient. - Shipments cost 10x as much ($10,000) • Cooldown does not change
  2. Two changes I'd love: - Zero's Brewing/Moonshining - Gandalf Alchemy or a separate Alchemist/Wizard role that can make expensive hard to make potions https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-yeastbeast-alcohol-script
  3. I've played as the king many times and the structure in front of the portal gets in the way, I've taken a poll in-game to see how many people agree and it won by five. I think everything in the area of the kingdom should be moved to the side to get rid of the giant brick structure. It takes most of the room in the kingdom that could be used as building space. I acknowledge that kingdom dupes will not be within the kingdom if it moves, but that can be simply fixed by pasting the dupe in the area you want it to be instead of pasting it using the original built location option. Also, the water basin/pool at the corner of the kingdom is a world prop. So that cannot be moved. So, to fix this the kingdom could be moved to the corner of the flat grass area to keep the pool. It is not under the structure so it could not fade threw the wall.
  4. CFC has around thirty a day, plus there's nothing to do on it besides build, kill or talk so about half the server is using Wiremod.
  5. I could list a few servers with wiremod that don't lag: CFC Sandbox (Free Wiremod/E2) Powerplant RP (Free Wiremod/E2) HL1 RP (Free Wiremod/E2) That's all I can list because those are the only servers I've played with Wiremod.
  6. Well because it's something you need to learn, hardly anyone knew how to make meth on the server before they learned. Wiremod just takes like.. Maybe a month or more of dedication before you learn everything there is to learn on it.
  7. The title says it all, lots of people like Wiremod and people could make a lot more RP scenarios. Such as failsafe locks where you need to push several buttons within a matter of time to open a door (Must be possible). Or instead of defensive Wiremod systems there could be passive Wiremod systems such as food delivery drones, music players that play songs that aren't on YouTube. VIP would get access to inputs, outputs, gates, keypads, screens, etc. Supporters would get everything. Rules: Breaking these and refusing to listen to staff will revoke your VIP/Supporter if serious enough. No causing lag nor epilepsy fits. No teleporting outside your base with E2, unless it's in a friend base that allows it. You CANNOT TELEPORT PEOPLE inside or outside your base with some whacky E2 code DURING A RAID. Do not steal money with E2 somehow. Don't trap people with E2 if unwanted. Don't put shit in peoples base with E2 if unwanted. Do not make impossible raid systems unless it's an Indiana Jones public base that requires specific things. (Cannot have raidables) Don't put EGP Huds on peoples screens without consent, it's annoying. E2s/Wiremod systems cant steal things. No E2 superpowers outside your base and/or during a raid. (Leave a comment if you think there should be an extra rule) The Addons: PlyCore StreamCore Wiremod (Leave a comment if you think there should be an extra addon)
  8. The graphics are shit on Fallout New Vegas, it looks like Goat Simulator : Nuclear Wasteland DLC.
  9. #1 Unfun King Concept: Reason: How it would be used: Potential Modifications: #2 King's Prince ∨ Princess #1 Concept #2 Gameplay, Models & Items #3 Potential Modifications #3 Make the King's Assassin a Vote Job The persons name wont be shown and the King & Guards wont be able to vote. [ To avoid good kings being killed by Assassins who are much worse. ] #4 Make the King a vote job Anyone will be able to vote and the name will be shown. [ To avoid bullshit selfish hermit douche kings. ] 1-4 of these will help Kings stay in their position if they are good and will prevent the Kingdom from being shitty. The Kingdom should be a place to escape corrupt mayors, not to have every land corrupted.
  10. I'd like to see a revamp because the job is pretty fuckin' funny as you can throw chairs from blocks away. But I don't think he needs voice lines and the chair should stay, voice sweps might be spammed. Unless the lines are passively activated. A ladder might be nice but don't remove the chair, the chair makes him the most John Cena a John Cena can be; Chair Cena.
  11. Drug Dealers take drugs but sometimes never give you the money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN1V3oIjzjY | I do not know but some random times the drug dealer doesn't give you the money and takes the weed. I want a refund.
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