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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Awryhx

  1. Category:





    The Boomboxes for purchase are not free if you have the "Free boomboxes" perk in the Suga Shop. It will however spawn them ONLY if you have $1000 DarkRP cash in your wallet, then you can spawn it for free. I don't know if it's only me or it's just how it is, but yeah.

    PS - Sorry if the video is purple, YT sucks at copywritten stuff :/

    How to reproduce:

    Just get the "free boomboxes" perk from the Suga Shop, and try to buy if you don't have $1000. It says you won't have access, even if it's free.


  2. Category:





    You found x1 Bugged Token
    Table index was nil on tokenindex
    Table Debug: {amount=1,model="models/morganicism/spyro/gemblue.mdl",class="ent_sugar_token",}
    Please send this to sugar so he can fix it!

    This is what messaged me and what was placed in my inventory. I did not get my gang token from the crafting table, but instead got a a bugged token. I was wondering if I could get my one gang token cause I kinda took a long time finding rare oak lol

    How to reproduce:

    You found x1 Bugged Token
    Table index was nil on tokenindex
    Table Debug: {amount=1,model="models/morganicism/spyro/gemblue.mdl",class="ent_sugar_token",}
    Please send this to sugar so he can fix it!

    Happens when you spawn in a crafting table, get the materials, and then after you craft it, it says this in chat for you.


  3. I decided to update the mailbox map cause I was tired of trying to find the blurry green dot on the screen and then players who troll by hunting you down to destroy your parcel!




    Map originally here cause I don't own the design, I just added the mailboxes to be updated (and I think is the nicer looking and as accurate to today): 


  4. Category:





    So I was told to make a forum bug report about this.

    I took a video of me not being about to wear my default CC skin that I chose from the start, which was models/player/Group01/male_04.mdl.


    Whenever I try to access it, I get denied. I had staff members today attempt to change their skin to that and they were denied as well. Every other skin works well but just this one.

    I do admit, when using the models to switch to when you die when you get the option to switch to 3 different ones randomly on death, I cleared it out but I don't think that was what cause it maybe?

    Also, apparently, a lot of the other HL2 Citizen model skins are supposed to show up in the CC editor/CC maker but I only see 2-3 of them available, and staff members and players said it may have been broken from the last patch but no one reported it(?). It's not urgent but it really limits players to semi tacky skins that are kinda cringe when you cannot use default player models that are normal looking.

    I don't know what else to put in this or if I'm making this right haha

    How to reproduce:

    I don't know what I did other than use the option menu to switch to 3 different skins if you die, but I don't think that was it.


    • Thanks 1
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