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  1. Your actions were wholly embarrassing as both a normal functioning human being and a staff member. Kicking someone while discussing the rules and the last ruling by other staff, because I had stated several times, that it had been approved prior. In which I even gave you two separate staff names (upon YOUR request!) and you *still* kicked me while I was MID CONVERSATION with another staff member who, by the way, sat and discussed the rules with me for another hour or two after that. (Thank you Crab Rangoon and (Txha?) or similar name.) This thread specifically proves, so far, that the rules are applied differently based on each staff member and that you simply took it a step further, allowing your friends to take everything. There should never be a case of staff members or their friends profiting because of "official" actions.
  2. Still awaiting an answer. The specific base shown by staff saying it's allowed still breaks the rules the admin says are there. Trying to figure out what's ok, unless its just purely based on rank?
  3. After a quick test, the no build zone is much higher than the "allowed" picture shown earlier in this thread. https://gyazo.com/7aeadc898b62db39b6c69aa656e0020b This image is an example of where you still cannot build. After further testing it does not go all the way to the roof but mostly.
  4. How would you find the top border?
  5. That would include a ceiling which is why I ask about a floor lol.
  6. Great., thanks bunches. What about a floor? Can I have a floor that sits off of the map ground? Nothing glitchy or to force crouching but a different secret entirely
  7. I appreciate the concern, genuinely. What about distance from the ground? Can I place a roof? Since you cannot spawn it in the no build area, and cannot spawn it off of it and move it in?
  8. Its Gmod. I don't expect professionalism from 16 year olds lol. Too old to chase down kids for stuff like that. So to be clear, if I can place a prop there, it's allowed?
  9. I've made several bases here now and every time I go through the same process 4 times now; 1. Make base in Kingdom 2. Staff member dies because the defenses are ridiculously op 3. Rules made up on the spot cause one of the rules is "follow staff instructions" 4. Base deleted/kicked from server/etc, hours of progress lost along with printers stolen by staff friends because stuck in sit/frozen/kicked/etc while their friends take everything. I'm hoping to get a definitive, in writing explanation as to what the actual *rules* are for this. Apologies if incorrect area, and I've of course video of the most recent encounter if requested. Thanks in advance!
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