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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. Thank you all for your kind words. I promise I will be returning, As much as I like being a sales rep and for me it comes naturally and I am very good at it, My real passion is gaming, doing youtube, twitch streaming, and game testing. It is my dream one day to either become a Youtuber/Twitcher, A Gamer Tester, or an Indie Gamer developer. But if none of those work out I can always fall back on my sales.
  2. Some of you might have realized that recently that I have barely been on in the game and only a small amount on the forums and it will only be getting less and less. I would love to tell you that this would stop soon and I will go back to being on a ton everyday, but that is not the case. I have recently gotten a new job and I am now in my second month at my new job and I am currently the #1 sales rep, in my store, in Ontario and through out all of Canada. Because of my recent success in my career they now require a lot more of my time. Once I move into my new place with my girlfriend I will be able to get back onto the server more and play properly with my old set up and not on a laptop. For the time being I will not be coming on the server.
  3. To sell processed drugs you go to the Drug buyer and grav gun the processed drug into him then he drops the money. To sell harvested drugs you go to the Harvest Buyer and grav gun the harvested drug into him then he drops the money. To turn harvested drugs into processed drugs press E on the harvested drug and it will drop drug material. Put that drug material into the drop of the drug processor with you grav gun. You will need about 10 drug material to get a shipment of processed drugs. You need 2lb's of harvested drugs to get 1 drug material. TA DA
  4. This is hands down the best Garry's Mod story ever told. Sadly even though you were attempting to stop the server from crashing you were breaking a rule. Your intentions were as good as they come but it still involved you breaking a rule. That being said you did attempt to stop a server crash and if you didn't stop it there would have been no raid, since the server would have crashed as shown by Blacnova unfreezing and the server crashing. I do not think there is a winner in this situation you all lost when the server crashed, but since you got warned you became the biggest loser of the 3.
  5. Spoon was supposed to be fixed. If people start abusing this it's going to be a big ban.
  6. I have started using the warehouse next to the PD was a PD head Quarters. It is very big and open and since it is right next to the PD if anyone starts raiding the PD or revolting we can come out of the HQ and we are behind them.
  7. I think you guys are missing the point of this post. This post is because WEREPUPP WOLFY helped this guy in such a good and amazing way that he thinks he should be promoted for it. Are we just going to promote WOLFY right now, no. Are we going to take this into consideration once we do a voting for him to become a full Moderator in 1-2 weeks, 100% yes. Thank you for your feed back autistic tootsy, I also believe he is an amazing Trial Mod and should be promoted soon. BTW he got promoted this morning at 10AM I finished my training with him at 10:30AM
  8. User has already been forcefully resigned. CLOSED Sorry thought this was he Zesh post. Don't resign you are amazing at your job.
  9. All this post is doing is causing drama. If someone breaks a rule report them rather then complaining amd causing drama on the forums. You should know better then this Mdantos. CLOSED
  10. Your application got appected talk to sugar or neko when they in game next.
  11. You are a grandpa among great great grand children. As much as I love you. It is time to let the kids run the server and let you enjoy your busy life.
  12. Until Sugar removes it for the mean time when you get on the serverr maybe just check if it is there. If it is remove it using the admin stick.
  13. Ill do lets plays with you. I used to fo youtube and twitch and ill be doing it again soon.
  14. Best youtuber around XD I love the intro with your family.
  15. This is something only staff can do. There is no reason we need to do it so if Sugar can disable it that would be great.
  16. All I see is amfart using the N word in ooc, don't worry guys I'll ban him.
  17. Pm sugar he will be sugar he will be the best source for all your custom class questions.
  18. The point is because this is just bringing back low effort RP. If you see your friend die then you can basically hunt down his killer and "counter" him.
  19. I am going to name everyone in this situation just so it is easier to follow. Abby, Becka, and Cody are in a party as Custom Class thiefs. Dill is a hitman. Dill gets a hit on Cody. Dill using the shadow knife to instantly kill Cody. Abby and Becka watch Dill kill Cody. Abby then kills Dill for killing his party member. So to me this is not allowed and from what I have been told it is not allowed. Abby attempted to counter Dill killing Cody bit Cody was already dead. So you can not counter an action since the action is already finished. If Abby killed Dill then it would be avenging Cody not Countering Dill. So my question is. Are you allowed to counter if the person is already dead? Also is being in a party involvement enough to be able to counter without having to sat something either verbally or by typing?
  20. I hate it when people make these because they make it sound like this game is more important then your own mother. Like really you "have" to go see your mom. You would think you would want to see your mom. Enjoy the time away from the server. See you when you come back.
  21. So first you need 4 things 1. Filled chemical barrels 2. Blood 3. Gins 4. Money First thing you do is you buy chemical barrels from the F4 menu. They are only $90. Then you go to a chemical hose and put the barrel in the hose. Wait 45 seconds and the cchemical barrel will jump off the chemical hose and how you have 1 filled chemical barrel. Second either buy blood from a medic or use your blood extractor to gather blood from yourself or other. You or the person you take blood from has to be at full health. Third you need to go buy some guns from your friendly neighbourhood gun dealer. Fourth you need to have money. After you have 1 Filled chemical barrel, 2 Blood, and 1 gun you can put it all into the weapon forge which you buy from the F4 menu for $1,000. Once everything is added you press E on the grey base of the forge to spend $5,000 to enchant the gun. After a few seconds the gun will become enchanted and will either be a common, uncommon, epic, or legendary. You can see the new stats in green when the gun is on the forge or on the floor. You can then sell the gun to people or to the general buyer npc at the fountain. Selling prices to the npc: Common $3,000 Uncommon $15,000 Epic $60,000 Legendary $400,000 And that is how the weapon mod class works.
  22. Could you please follow the correct bug report format and give us some more information so we can fix it.
  23. No matter what this is now RDM. If anything is is failed to get involved. I personally do not think being in a party is involvement enough to counter a raid. Mainly because 9/10 the person who died does tell the party to go to their base. I think that before countering any actions you should have to be involved by talking to the person you are going to counter. Even just something simple like: Leave my friend/friends base alone or i will kill you. Or Stop raiding or you are dead. Just something simple so that it is clearly established that you are going to counter. Also these warnings can be giving through text as long as it is not ooc. So advert, yell, or normal chat as long as the person can hear it. But it can also be done through voice. We are trying to add more RP into the server so it is not just RDMRP. I believe Neko's stance on this is that being in a party means you are involved by default. But I do not know where sugar stands. It is possible that like me he would also want more RP on the server and think that being in a party is not enough.
  24. So basically UFO's are fine. They do not harm anyone when it is just one or two. But recently a lot of people have gotten the dupe or built it and it is now 10 people at the same times doing it. It is very annoying and also lags people with bad PC's. I think UFO's should only be aloud if you are the Alien or Alien Race job.
  25. All the little kids breaking rules then crying when they get banned. No but seriously. It is probably RPing with friends.
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