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  1. Server crashes? Haven't noticed.
  2. You are literally the prime example on why c4 shouldn't be on classes or be on the server. If you join a server with 10 thousand dollars, spend it all on a money printer and spend 2 hours making a base, just to have it explode in less then 5 minutes of removing the building sign, how would you feel? Why should you play on that server anymore? You now have no money, no base, and you know that basing is useless. Look around the server when you get on, who has a base still standing? People who have custom classes, and there will be around 5 people in each base, so the second someone calls raid they are there. When there's a new player, all they have is themselfs and maybe a double barreled.
  3. steveg216


    hey charles im morins
  4. getting off for the night so if you could please post your steamid here I will gladly add you tomorrow morning. Good night~!
  5. It's not that your getting it for the name, its just your PAYING for the name. Check out Asus, since your set on laptops, they make some good shit that will be cheaper then Razer's overpriced laptop. Hey man if you got the money to dish out go for it, but like we said, a laptop won't last forever.
  6. Did u already buy it? If not I would honestly cancel the order. My laptop was top notch a few years ago, it lasted 3 years before it was REALLY outdated. Yea you will like it at first, but im TELLING you that you won't be satisfied in a few years with it. Also razer = paying a lot for the brand. Unless your going to be in a different place every few days, its not worth it. You can upgrade a desktop, so it will never be outdated, and if you already have a monitor/keyboard/mouse you already saved money on the desktop. Don't do it.
  7. They're all banned for a week, NEVER go on disney.com without parental permission.
  8. Yes sir, post their steamid's/names here and I will update their ban times.
  9. Scars, i'm with you on that, President.
  10. That's not a suggestion, just a shitpost. If you don't want to get banned from posting on the forums you should probably stop.
  11. There is proper ban times, check it out. Enough with the shitposting or you will be banned from the forums.
  12. Its closed... The thread is CLOSED. It's closed because you are going to stay banned for that 1 day. You can handle it, it's a day. Don't break rules if you don't want to get banned.
  13. "hit spam, disprespect in sit" Was your ban reason. I could easily see how you were disrespectful, considering how angry you are. I mean really dude? Why would you make a post like this? You weren't banned for no reason. Least you could do is be somewhat apologetic about the ban, not calling the moderator a fucktard. You can be PISSED all you want, ban wont be lifted.
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