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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Flexie

  1. Just get a processor, and ask others for their processors.  At one time I will usually do a few money printers, a few bitminers, and some processors.  As for processors, it is best to base with a few other people to get plenty of money.  If you do all three, you can make some pretty good money.

    • Like 2
  2. I agree with this, but I think it should be a majority vote of ACTIVE players online.  A lot of people AFK on the server and having a timer of 5 minutes or so to flag as AFK and if you are flagged as AFK then it shouldn't include them in the vote.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Rubik said:

    They key with "twitter" would be like, imagine Anonymous except you pick and keep a specific name, which in serious RP servers would take a lot of "investigating" to determine who you are but also allows the right people to identify you. It works and is really fun on serious RP servers. *cough*

    Actually, yeah, you have a good point.  The RP here isn't as serious and it wouldn't be applicable to most of the player base here.  😛  I was just suggesting it because some people get more into their character/job than others and it would be interesting to see how things would unfold if it were a feature.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Suicideblue said:

    I'm game for something like that, OOC isn't really out of character chat because local chat doesn't strictly apply to RP chat, its just global chat.

    True but it would give people that get more into their characters a way to express themselves 😛

  5. When I used to play on GTA RP we used to have Twitter where users could do /tweet to say something to everyone in the server without going /ooc.  I think it would promote good role-play to have a /tweet function because now people just use /ooc when they want to send a message to everyone in the server whether it is actually OOC or not.

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/31/2020 at 11:28 PM, Lean said:

    hi flexey

    Hi Lean!


    16 hours ago, Suicideblue said:

    Hi Flexie! Me are Red!

    Red my favorite police puppy!  Hiii!


    8 hours ago, rubik said:

    You guys are the real MVPs. Some day programming will be taught in schools just like math or science and will be a requirement to graduate. 

    Welcome to Tits!

    Aww, thank you so much!  I really hope it is.  That would definitely make school much more fun too! 😄  Also, thanks for helping me the other day with my VPN problem. 🙂 

    • Like 1
  7. WELCOME! I am glad you have joined our community! I look forward to raiding you! <3 

    Thank you!  I am looking forward to getting raided :)


    The last relationship on titsrp didnt end well so good luck and have fun

    Well, I met him somewhere else, not here.  He actually brought me here and everything is great so far! ^^


    I respect the dedication to playing an AMERICAN server all the way from JAPAN, bless your soul

    Thank you!  I am on during late nights and early mornings because it's hard to get a job with the coronavirus going around so I'll see you around. :D

  8. hecko guys!  My name is Flexie.

    I am a Python programmer and a teacher irl.

    I live in Japan, but I am originally from the United States.  


    I am not so new to the server now, but this is still my first time to post on the forums so I just wanted to say hi!

    I started playing here because my boyfriend, nanights, introduced me to TitsRP, and I really like it a lot so I am still sticking around.

    I know a few of you out there, but I wanna get to know more people so I can have even more fun while playing here.  

    Nice to meet you all!

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