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TWP| Shadoe!


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TWP| Shadoe!

  1. Cullen Thats not true for the Skullsmashers and theres a few others that are better than the cs weapons.
  2. Ayyyy I'll miss you too fam. Ive been gone myself due to work and my 2 month ban :D
  3. @texas When you get shipments drop em out of your inv and it works like weed you can stack the shipments together once they load in fully
  4. You might want to run a group as well Running solo doesnt work too well on this server.
  5. You had to do that even with the no raid call bobo
  6. Same Bzerk Also i 100% agree with hops logic
  7. i want that m9k sniper rifle...
  8. TWP| Shadoe!


    Bug Description: Being able to wear multiple hats at once How to reproduce:Loading multiple loadouts and buying them heres a little video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UjenYm3LIw&feature=youtu.be Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium i guess?
  9. Especially with c4 and blowtorches you cant really build something thats halfway hard to go through now basically everyones base is going to be easy as shit to do now with a blowtorch or one c4 and its done. I never had any problems either nad my blue warehouse base had probably a good 200-300 props and i never dropped frames. Maybe its just me but 50 is way too low....
  10. Ive been playing CSGO and i hit this ace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWO9n7Dbtkc&feature=youtu.be Also hit this pretty neat scout 3k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2VgeRSPYyY&feature=youtu.be
  11. I kinda want cars too so i have something to waste my money on :D
  12. Another video that im in and i dont even know who this guy is lmao...
  13. TWP| Shadoe!

    USP Bug

    It does 80 headshot to people with armor as well its pretty good tbh
  14. Yeah the SMG Laser material was the best
  15. I come from gangwars i can make a base without crouching for long and without blackout i just like to make blackout bases because it makes it easy for me to afk and not worry about being raided. Anyone in the server can vouch for me that i AFK a fuck ton ill make a base tomorrow thats really good without being a blackout or without using crouches or one way fences too tired to do it now Good day everyone.
  16. Only thing i own that noone else does is the Heartbeat sensor Intervention
  17. Id like to suggest adding a gang/group system something like where you can create an organization from a NPC for a certain amount of $$ and have like a title under your name ive seen it in many other servers and with people making groups such as the Stoned squad and people in the 27th group it would be an easier way to prevent unwanted people using the tag just an idea ya know.
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