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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by �trigger.exe

  1. you gotta put like fake tits on Justin Bieber, or put a giant nipple in his for head. i would but im too lazy.
  2. hecko, My suggestion is more of a staff-use addon. It will help to catch hackers who are using lua scripts to bypass the VAC system. (cuz you cant get VAC banned if your using lua) Its called ULX Screengrab. When you add it to the server, it will make a new tab in ULX. and Just like managing permits with groups, you can put this to either all groups, or just admin, or anything you like. What it does is, it will take a screen shot of a certain players screen, so if they are using any kind of ESP or such, you can see it. I used this on my old server and it worked pretty well. LINK: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=7463.0 p.s. Its a addon of the offical ulx website so it aint no screw job or shit like that. EDIT: just realized that link is a link to a post. my bad. I cant find the real link. -trigger
  3. hecko, My names Trigger.exe Thats it, Bye.
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