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anime weeb


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by anime weeb

  1. anime weeb


    happy early birthday you neckbeard loli loving dweeb
  2. baby carrot fingers and toaster mic are back heck yeah
  3. rest in peace to u gaybo but seriously good luck with whatever you choose to do now
  4. when will you be good at checkers again dad
  5. Since I guess everyone is doing one of these things now I guess it's time for me to do one even though no one cares but whatever. My name is JesusFaceDude/Retard/Autism/Retard Boy/Whatever you want to call me. I make guest appearances onto the server whenever I feel like cause I miss Cullen the most out of everyone on here. So I guess this is it idk what the heck else to say.
  6. Mass banning and not really giving a fuck about what you do anymore or what can happen
  7. He means that when you kidnap someone you lose all your stuff not the person being kidnapped at least I think that's what he meant
  8. bump this shit cause fuck me its still stpid
  9. anime weeb

    Kidnap bug

    Bug Description: You keep your class weapons/tools after being kidnapped How to reproduce: Get kidnapped / knocked out Priority: Low
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