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Code Seven


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Code Seven

  1. so, like a hard working civilian in a ravenous, criminal world, i make meth

    and 2 out of the 3 spots i've sold to so far aren't able to be walked to, meaning i have to drive the shitty motorcycle really really fast for ~50k.


    now, for anyone who hasn't used the motorcycle, going fast makes the steering go sicko mode and die.

    even with the motorcycle, one of the sell-spots is still on a tight timer (5 seconds leeway), and doesn't let up in case you crash your motorcycle.


    this is wack.


    i would suggest either 

    a) change the time limit on selling from 60s to 120s (or somewhere in that range)

    b) change the spots where meth is sold

    c) make meth sell for more money, to make this garbage tolerable

    d) eat me out


    thank you and have a nice day

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