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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Weaponized

  1. I'd like to see a leaderboard that shows: 1. Highest Rank 2. Longest time played for the day 3. Most money in server Of course there would be more if possible, and it would be cool to see it displayed in the spawn area on a big billboard. Reason: Because i feel like it would give player's a overall task to try and achieve, trying to be the number one of thoughs, so a rework i believe needs to take place respectfully. thank you for reading my post, VERY RESPECTFULLY: Mr Smiley
  2. hecko, im Mr Smiley, i would like to suggest a trading post/vending machine idea to the server, i feel that the ability to share item's i come across in my adventure in the TiT's Rp server with other players would be really helpful and less complicated with player to player verbal conversations. IDEA: Trading Station. Effect: Simple trading and economy building method of reliable trade's. Reason: To help the flow of item need and traffic/ and to show of your prize's to the world. 2nd Effect: Player's can make there own set price's for there own item's like ore, wood, and chem worth. 2nd Reason: To help player's find items they are looking for to help further there own progression in tasks/quests. Thank you so much for reading my post if you have. I've only been apart of this community for about a week know and i can say after the period of time that has passed, i believe it would really help the integrity and originality in the server community. THANKS! Very Respectfully: Mr Smiley
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