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Molotov Goes Through Wall

Kidd Mute

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Description: I was basing in an apartment with Famous Afrikan Cuisine when we get raided by Reiko Bear. We kill him and he comes back, doesnt't raid us, but throws molotovs at the outside of our base. We had 19 printers on the other side of the wall that he threw the molotovs at and they all blew up. Not blaming Reiko, but we lost a lot of money. Basically, fire can travel through building walls.


How to reproduce: Find a wall that is thin enough for molotov fire to go through. Throw molotov at wall and listen to the people on the inside cry.


Priority: (High, Medium, Low)

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I would expect this to be a map issue with the explosion clipping or something, all my experiences with molotov have suggested that the fire is only applied under the actual explosion and with that explosions themselves don't go through walls. I think this is a combination of the molotov and where it was thrown

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