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Godmode glitch?


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So i was doing a sit about another person having Godmode. I accept the sit and bring both players. The person who reported started shooting the guy who supposbly had godmode, the guy who supposbly had godmode didnt take dmg. I was Baffled so i tested if i did dmg and i did do dmg. Shortly after i was Skeptical so i told the player who was reporting to shoot through the guy and sure enough it killed me. I go back to the sit with my GODLY POWERS and the player who reported him Fired more shots and then finally killed him. I dont know if this was a bug or he was hacking or exploiting but ill post it here. https://plays.tv/video/5a1265b3129f8f8360/wtgf

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No, it's a bug. It's the broken hecking hitboxes that aren't fixed. Not anything for an exploit. We already know about this.


But he shot through me


Exactly, the hitboxes are broken m8. Maybe the last shot he aimed more the the bottom or right and was able to get that hitmarker. But it's no exploit, its just the hitboxes.

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