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Description: So... Recently alot of people have been randomly crashing. This has happened to me like 6 times in a day... I know this isn't only me because it happens to my gang members and I have asked a few people and it has happened to them as well.


How to reproduce: Play the server I guess... Sorry I don't know how to fix this.


Priority: HIGH

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I never crash and recently it has happened alot ALSO Words from dindu "Crashes have been happening quite often, which is understandable. Just don't Rdm and this won't happen" from a recent ban appeal

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If you crash, send me your minidumps which look like this




I would say a handful of them are because of the custom model issue (which is why they are unmounted from the server, they will crash you but not the server)


A hundful is probably because of multicore rendering. Apparently there is an issue if with voice + multicore rendering



Some people say they crash when they open and close the hitman menu, this seems to be known



Some may be related to material binding which is apparently known


Some may be related to shooting and killing someone which is related to FireBullets


Awesomium is known to crash some mac clients. They are replacing this with chromium in the next update which should solve some of the issues


Sending me your minidumps may give me a bit of information as to whats going on


This weekend, I can take a break from making content and focus on server and client stability. A good way to do this is to kinda strip a lot of the custom payermodels from the server

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I used to never crash (about 2-3 times ever) and im on a pretty high end pc. After the new update came ive crashed about 6 times in 3 days.

I have no idea what it could be but its annoying


EDIT: here are some situations ive crashed in if it helps. In a firefight at pd, sending a pm underground, being killed underground and harvesting drugs

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