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people not taking damage


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do you have a case of the shitternet? this only happens to me if I'm lagging my ass off. Meaning your issue is probably that the lag compensation is no longer working, which was weird anyways because when it did work because it was like CoD where you could take damage even in cover, but I guess that's supposed to make it more fair? idk. But I do know that there is also another problem where hitboxes are too low to where headshots are not working most of the time regardless of connection. Try aiming for the hearts until tittie sagur fixes the problemo.

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It's possible this was happening yesterday due to an issue that caused something to error out once a player had 20 health. Do you know if you couldn't kill them if they had low health?


I don't think this is the issue. I shot my friend in the head with a sniper and it did no damage.

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I think he’s referring to the short models i.e. Police K9 or the chicken nugget looking “miku” model.

I think he’s referring to the short models i.e. Police K9 or the chicken nugget looking “miku” model.

The hit boxes on them are extremely broken and sometimes even hitting with an AWP it registers in the logs as doing something 2 damage.

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