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Money Pot


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Description: The money pot was recently added and you can place as many as you want. You cant destroy them or blowtorch them as they are an entity. I have not tried c4 but i doubt it would work. You can also physgun them and make them a fading door i don't know about the other tools in the tool gun but i assume they would also work. Someone could just build a base with these and be unraidable or some minge could come on and propblock spawn while no staff are online. These money pots are basically props that you buy and cant blowtorch.

How to reproduce: Just go into the game and buy as many money pots as you can.


Priority: Medium-High



I just tested c4 and no it does not work

The most i have had at once is 30 i didn't try to go higher but you probably can. Also these don't count as props

You can also trap players in it just by placing it at their feet

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