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Quality of Life


Description: Hitboxes are acutally messed up. You shoot a dog 100 times, his health goes down by 2. Anyways, ive noticed a lot of hits not registering, you get a hitmarker but no damage is done. Also some hitboxes are really massive and a good fix would be to set the hitbox of every model to the default citizen hitbox which would fix this except for the smaller models like dogs or whatever. 

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=219747243 try downloading this, go into a single player game and test the hitboxes out. You can see how broken they are. this is mostly an issue with the cc models but on some in game models too. 


How to reproduce: Shoot top of head on some models, no dmg is done but hitmarker is shown. Shoot between arms and legs and between neck and shoulders on some models,damage is inflicted. Try 1v1ing  a dog, you lose. 


Priority: (HIGH)

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