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Guess whos back

Salted Seabass

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Why did this cause a shitstorm? Oh wait because Futuristic Rush started arguing with Cullen when he was corrected. Who cares how many times you requested a map change, you posted it too many times. Sugar said he would never change the map unless the server got really popular and he could change the map without losing the playerbase. Now that (I assume) the server is doing really well, he wants to get a Custom Map. But back then he wouldn't change the map, and YOU just wouldn't listen. That's why you were banned. It's basically shitposting, you post a thread but it holds no purpose. It doesn't matter how many times you got banned, it matters that you got banned and won't accept it when people are correcting you. I'm keeping this open, but if anyone needs to close it go ahead.


(inb4 "mr president you don't play anymore why should i listen to you").

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You can roast me all you want; however, you can't run away from the truth.  I was active during the time you played and also when you got banned from both the server and the forums.  You are the only one that I know that could get banned off the forums for keep demanding for map changes.  


The fact that you are making fun of my profile really shows how ignorant you are and your age.  You have a vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old.


If you are going to be making threads on this forums, please atleast play on the server.

He wrote that I have the vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old. So not only did he say that but can you quote where I flamed him?




Right there, and please stop pretending as if none of that was offensive, and we're just looking at it in the wrong way. What Cullen said was backlash as he was mad that you were making fun of his appearance. Was it uncalled for? Yes, did it hurt your feelings as what you sent him may have? Probably.


Before you write your next post, keep in mind that if you write any sort of excuse or try to make a loophole (which is one of the main reasons you've gotten in trouble before for), I will close this thread. In addition, the next post that you make which is even remotely similar to a thread such as this one will result in a permanent 50% warning. We both know that what he said was not the same type of flame as what you said.


W             O              A            H


50% warning? That's worse than the holocaust.

Jesus Christ it's worse then the Black Death. Oh mighty Buddha save me from this cursed plain and bring me to Narvana.

P.S. Sorry I hurt your feels Cullen. Didn't think you'd actually take everything so literal. Same with you Black Noba. I'm sorry if I hurt your feels too. I thought this was a meme community and usually memes take memes with pride.

P.S.S nice meme Glaze. 

P.S.S.S how's your day so far Blakenova?

P.S.S.S.S remember Blake the snake, lmao

Also I have accepted being banned for the next 6 months. It's not like I pmed anyone trying to get unbanned. Why don't you love me anymore Mr.President? Also did you think I really cared about how many times I requested it? I was making a meme and Cullen couldn't take it. I'll stop jokeing with him now that I know he can't take it. I'm a meme machine, don't take alecerything I say so literal and get offended.

P.S love me Mr president  

P.S.S love me Race0pone

P.S.S.S love me Neko

You can roast me all you want; however, you can't run away from the truth.  I was active during the time you played and also when you got banned from both the server and the forums.  You are the only one that I know that could get banned off the forums for keep demanding for map changes.  


The fact that you are making fun of my profile really shows how ignorant you are and your age.  You have a vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old.


If you are going to be making threads on this forums, please atleast play on the server.

He wrote that I have the vocabulary and the spelling of a 12 year old. So not only did he say that but can you quote where I flamed him?




Right there, and please stop pretending as if none of that was offensive, and we're just looking at it in the wrong way. What Cullen said was backlash as he was mad that you were making fun of his appearance. Was it uncalled for? Yes, did it hurt your feelings as what you sent him may have? Probably.


Before you write your next post, keep in mind that if you write any sort of excuse or try to make a loophole (which is one of the main reasons you've gotten in trouble before for), I will close this thread. In addition, the next post that you make which is even remotely similar to a thread such as this one will result in a permanent 50% warning. We both know that what he said was not the same type of flame as what you said.


W             O              A            H


50% warning? That's worse than the holocaust.

Jesus Christ it's worse then the Black Death. Oh mighty Buddha save me from this cursed plain and bring me to Narvana.

P.S. Sorry I hurt your feels Cullen. Didn't think you'd actually take everything so literal. Same with you Black Noba. I'm sorry if I hurt your feels too. I thought this was a meme community and usually memes take memes with pride.

P.S.S nice meme Glaze. 

P.S.S.S how's your day so far Blakenova?

P.S.S.S.S remember Blake the snake, lmao

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WOW THAT WAS FUN TO READ! also I know both sides my be like wtf boxean this aint reality tv, but you know if you re read this in like a month youd realize that this is so ridiculous that its just that funny.


also ive heard a lot of map change talk and if we are I would still like to try out downtown altered, because its the same map but with DLC. so the playerbase shouldn't drop too much, and before anyone replies to this I just wanna say I'm not trying to get a map change but if we are that's the map I want.

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Exactly this shit was hilarious and everyone took it like it was a dick. I'm just tryna meme and shit but some people can't take my memes. When I got banned I made about 3 posts for the map evo city and I remember when I got banned the ban said request a map change in 6 months. So here I am again, and since we're getting a Map change it might as well be the map I requested back then. Let's have evo city again!!! :D

P.S I don't care about the map we played on and I never did. I was memeing 6 months ago and still am. 

P.S.S guy with the gun can actually take jokes and genuinely enjoy them

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Exactly man, you're the only smart staff here. I just wanna meme in piece

Peace lol

I meant peace not piece

Also thanks for realizing I'm a meme man. Everyone else gets pretty salty when I offend them and it's pretty funny, they're at home getting triggered at me. I picture them getting mad and when their mother is like, "foods ready dear" they're probs like shit up mom I'm playing Garry's mod. Let me try to roast this kid then I'll eat your shit food you dumb bitch". That's what I like to picture lmao

Also I won't roast you piggy, I love you mang

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