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Drug Dealer Revamp

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The drug dealer job is highly underused due to the players able to do all the same functions as a Drug dealer using a CC. What I suggest is to revamp the drug dealer so it has a greater relevance and function. My idea is to either give the drug dealer drug plots that hold more seeds, or give them the ability to spawn more (least preferred option for lag reasons). I feel like this would bring the job new life. 



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Fentanyl's function would be what?

maybe some sort of covid spreading needle. Used to play on this server called noobonic plague and it had similar player count. the covid thing on there was aids spread by cough did damage when you coughed but the kicker was they had a gun that you could use to spread aids and the amount of chaos from 60+ ppl coughing from aids damage was wild, legit epidemic. would also give the hazmat more to do and hopefully reason to revamp the bleach cure method cause that is ass trying to use on ppl.

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Or drugs that offer some sort of perks but have a chemical dependence although i feel like all the perks have been though of and used by meth, current drugs, talismans


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Posted (edited)

drug dealer job gets more from drugs could be maybe nice or drug dealers drugs affect growth rate. (either way the change is going to be used by basers, this1 means that people sit as drug dealer inside a base to use its effect instead of spawning a drug dealer plot and swapping off.. unless u make the plot despawn when not on drug buyer maybe baller)


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19 hours ago, bugman said:

add more drugs that are good for something other than selling, i.e. adrenaline
damage reduction could be added but thats something thats already plentiful in the server and realistically a pretty toxic feature gameplay wise.

I feel that drugs like adrenaline would belong to a pharmacist (separate topic but essentially a PD job that makes legal drugs) but I think something like a drug lab to make things from drugs you grow like make crack from cocaine would definitely be more incentive to not just sit as the job in a base. 

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