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Huge HP debuff after HP food expires

Biggie Bear

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When you consume a food which raises your HP such as 135hp for 1 minute, immediately after the food effects expire, your HP drops down to 47HP and stays at this low HP until you die!
This is a HUGE debuff and is making the HP food somewhat useless when compared to the max hp talisman.

How to reproduce:

Find a recipe that increases your HP over 100 or buy a burger from a player which increases HP.
After the effects expire your HP drops down very low and remains this low until death.
This gives a huge disadvantage to anybody using HP food.
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This is not intended. The reason is because the food tries to make your max hp higher than 135 which is a hard limit, but then removes the attempted amount of max hp when the effects end.
Example: +88max hp 1 minute will give you 135 max hp for 1 minute then put you back to 47 max hp until you either die or do something else that would alter your max hp

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