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C4 Gravgun Exploit

Biggie Bear

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Stupid bug/exploit needs to be patched asap please.

You can carry objects through walls with the gravity gun.

You might expect a large object getting between your gravgun cause it to lose connection, but it doesn't.

This becomes a problem once players start carrying C4/Timebombs around walls.

Drop a c4, pickup with gravity gun, wrap it around a door, and walk around the bases walls to destroy the base dupe inside.

The people inside the base are completely defenseless against this move, this gives the raider an unfair advantage practically making the base pointless.

Many of the bases on the map can be easily raided with this simple exploit such as the corner farm house in suburbs, the yellow house at industrial, and a couple of sewers bases, and more.

Please make it so players can shoot the C4 and time bombs out of a players gravity gun, or make it so a wall between the gravity gun causes it to drop what it's holding.

This simple solution would create new opportunities for bases to live in without fear of easy exploitation.

I made a similar suggestion before, and it had been so long since I had actually based, I assumed it was already patched, then today Terrry raided Nierxi's base this way.

The raid started like normal, shooting at them as they dropped C4 in, then he realized he could do the exploit, and all we could do was stand and watch and wait.

There are only 3 or 4 bases on the entire map worth living in which are not affected by this exploit.


  • crybaby -1 1
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