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clarify the jaywalking law

Yung PussyBanger

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4 hours ago, Crabroll said:

As rp is a representation of real life, jaywalking is crossing or walking in the street where there is traffic. The unwritten server culture is the fact that once a player's foot even edges the street u will get fined for jaywalking.


I would suggest updating the mayor example of good laws to include a definition regarding jaywalking and the extent of how hard the mayor wants it to be enforced. 


This is the current example "Jaywalking will result in a $500 fine, cross at street corners/the crosswalks we have placed"


This example requires mayors to give an example as to what they are looking for. 


We can even include something that states mayor needs to describe what jaywalking is. 


"Jaywalking $5000 fine. Must not walk on street, crossing on corners or placed crosswalks only." (throwing grammar out the window bc of character limit when making laws)

They already are forced to as some players do not see where the crosswalks are, the mayor is forced to write where to cross or put up crosswalks. So if you see the law not written then they're wrong. I wouldn't mind adding it, but It's just redundant. 

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Personally I feel like this would open a big ol can of worms for staff. Getting more specific would cause more sits for RDA and with the current tools its not so easy to tell if they were touching the street a little bit or just standing in the street. It's always nice when they stun, cuff, fine, arrest, etc because you can use position logs to see where it happened but these kinds of sits dont happen as ideally as we'd all like. If we go more indepth a jwalk shownlr command would be BALLER. Show a line of where they were walking 30 seconds before they were cuffed/arrested, not necessary really with stuns as position logs help with that.

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1 hour ago, Blue. said:

Personally I feel like this would open a big ol can of worms for staff. Getting more specific would cause more sits for RDA and with the current tools its not so easy to tell if they were touching the street a little bit or just standing in the street. It's always nice when they stun, cuff, fine, arrest, etc because you can use position logs to see where it happened but these kinds of sits dont happen as ideally as we'd all like. If we go more indepth a jwalk shownlr command would be BALLER. Show a line of where they were walking 30 seconds before they were cuffed/arrested, not necessary really with stuns as position logs help with that.

Showing a line of where they were walking would just be helpful information overall for a lot of things TBH, that's a really great idea. I also feel like the entire job of CP should be overhauled at some point, it feels like currently the only real use for CP Jobs (other than maybe detective and K9) is to just annoy players after a mayor makes Sweps out/Jaywalking illegal. 

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I feel from reading everyone responses/input/opinions that there is a simple solution to this. 

We introduce a rule that prohibits JayWalk laws in general, because speaking on this situation from a Staff standpoint, it’s been an ongoing issue where new players or players that aren’t familiar with TitsRP create sits with little to no information such as “Randomly arrested” “rDaa help!” Or “Someone arrested me, HELP!” and all we can do as staff is now spectate the last person which cuffed/arrested the said player for breaking Jaywalking law(s) and then having to spectate and see if they repeat the action incorrectly.


This takes time away from the staff because when there are other sits piling up, there isn’t any time available for a staff member to dedicate to just spectating a player for a set time in hopes of catching the CP in the act. 

This is the only solution I see fit. 

I definitely want to see what others recommend or see as a better solution!

Edited by God-Emperor Danger
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Walking on the street right next to the sidewalk is already something us humans do when theres not much space in the sidewalk to walk multiple people so big +1 on this

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