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Civil Protection Time Requirement


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1 hour ago, cobaselic said:

It would not be progress, it would be hindering the experience of the server. If we put a block on this, someone will make a thread in 2 months and go "I know we put a block on cop, but now people are MassRDMing as hitman. I want that blocked too!". It's a very slippery slope, one day we're gonna end up not allowing gun stands because it allows people to buy a weapon and MassRDM. This is a Garry's Mod DARKRP server. RDM is going to happen. I'm sorry. If it isn't done by a cop, it will be done by the 30 other jobs we have that give you a weapon by default. You are not going to deal with less sits by blocking the job. That is a very black/white, and also completely incorrect view of the situation. You will deal with the exact same amount of sits, just with players using a different job. If people join the server to MassRDM, they will do that.

I don't know, my experience on the server gets hindered pretty hard when the staff online are overwhelmed with sits and there's about 20 people MRDMing/MRDAing as CP. I would think this happening to new players that don't have a motive to break the rules would be having their experience hindered as well. Having a time limit on when you can play CP is a common thing in most DarkRP servers for a reason, that reason being how easily abused it is compared to other jobs that don't have the ability to arrest/cuff/want players for no other reason than to minge. 


58 minutes ago, cobaselic said:

So the issue is the cuffs and having keys to the PD, not the RDM? It's very annoying to be cuffed by some random for no reason, I agree. But that's what we have sits for. We can very easily unarrest you and cpban whoever is RDA'ing. As for the "they can kill the mayor because they have keys!" side, idk make dupes? Make laws that prevent that? Most mayors make a "all cops must show arrest batons or KOS" type of law specifically for that reason. And plenty of mayors get RDM'd by players that aren't using a police job.

I clearly stated that the issue is that not ONLY can CP MRDM (with ease mind you, they get armor as well as a good selection of guns), they can also abuse their powers via MRDA and false cuffing. You would rather players solve this themselves than just have a measly 1-5 hour time limit on CP jobs? Really? I'm a player as well and I would rather it be handled by the server than have to solve a problem that can easily be fixed with a simple time restriction.

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Guest CaptainT

Yes , people can switch to other jobs to mrdm , but atleast it restricts their ability to mass cuff , or mass RDA .  Not to mention that most new players who play as cop do not even know how to work the job , which leads to a bunch of mrda and mass cuffing .  Implementing this would also reduce the amount of sits that’s are called about MRDM , RDA , FAILRP (massively )  sure there are other jobs that people can use to mrdm but it’s  atleast reducing the issue + giving players more time to understand how different playing cp is compared to different servers ( this is the only server I have been on that has jwalk laws, revolts , etc) 


Another helpful thing to do would be to extend your normal cp ban punishment times , 15-30 min isn’t enough imo . 

It is also clear that players and staff are having a massive difference in opinion on this subject .   This was brought up and shut down in staff meetings , despite no one engaging with the community to see what regular players think about it ( we are the ones getting mrdm’d during peak hours with little or no  staff on )  .  Most of these people are ex staff too , we have an idea of what might work as well , staff should really start involving and asking the community about what they think on some rule changes and/or implementing new rules and job changes. It would be a shame if this got suggestion got shot down without even trying it out .  This isn’t a knock on staff either , most of the time you guys are too busy with sits / or just taking a break to really see how chaotic CP mrdming / cuff abusing / and mass rdaing is 

during peak hours .

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16 hours ago, cobaselic said:

Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?

Yes. Block them all.

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I've been saying this since I've been on the server. Swat is one of the easiest jobs to mrdm and Rda. Infact i have never seen a swat, secret service, or judge Gabe that actually roleplays. The same goes with bank guard. Those jobs are just inviting people to mass rdm and either need a vote to be them or a time requirement. Personally I think Bank Guard should be disabled if there is no bank manager. +1 for Doing something about Cop jobs. 

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On 2/6/2023 at 2:07 PM, cobaselic said:

Oh man there is a level/time limit on cop, what am I ever gonna do? Switches to gun dealer, hitman, mafia, king, guard, the plethora of other jobs that have weapons. If people are gonna RDM or abuse, there are plenty of other jobs to do it on. Are we gonna put a block on every job with a weapon?

Okay but the police job causes way more issues than people simply RDMing..
The biggest counter argument ^^^ being "oh well they could just switch to a gun dealer, hitman, etc" which is true BUT it would still prevent players from hopping on with the sole purpose of being a minge and abusing their role as a cop. While there are other avenues for minges to RDM - them playing as a cop is WAY more than just blatant killing people. So many times I have sits on randoms playing the cop job, false fining people, making multiple false arrests, cuffing people then running away, letting themselves into the PD and killing the mayor, uncuffing people who cops are in the middle of fining, stun stick abusing, etc... None of these type of things can be done by another job other than a police job hence why I think that all police jobs should have a time OR level requirement. 

It isn't just even just regarding minges, but some people are new to the server & unaware of the rules then go to play as a cop without really realizing what they can and can't do (whether it be on how to fine people the correct way, how to serve warrants on a players base, etc) so if they have to spend some time on the server before playing as a cop they could probably pick up on a few things and see how the role should properly be utilized. 

I have suggested this before, and even brought it up during staff meetings but it is always shut down. Regardless I still support doing this and worse case scenario it doesn't solve much, but it would not hurt anything if we tried this.


Edited by toosii
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On 2/6/2023 at 5:12 PM, CaptainT said:

Yes , people can switch to other jobs to mrdm , but atleast it restricts their ability to mass cuff , or mass RDA .  Not to mention that most new players who play as cop do not even know how to work the job , which leads to a bunch of mrda and mass cuffing .  Implementing this would also reduce the amount of sits that’s are called about MRDM , RDA , FAILRP (massively )  sure there are other jobs that people can use to mrdm but it’s  atleast reducing the issue + giving players more time to understand how different playing cp is compared to different servers ( this is the only server I have been on that has jwalk laws, revolts , etc) 


Another helpful thing to do would be to extend your normal cp ban punishment times , 15-30 min isn’t enough imo . 

It is also clear that players and staff are having a massive difference in opinion on this subject .   This was brought up and shut down in staff meetings , despite no one engaging with the community to see what regular players think about it ( we are the ones getting mrdm’d during peak hours with little or no  staff on )  .  Most of these people are ex staff too , we have an idea of what might work as well , staff should really start involving and asking the community about what they think on some rule changes and/or implementing new rules and job changes. It would be a shame if this got suggestion got shot down without even trying it out .  This isn’t a knock on staff either , most of the time you guys are too busy with sits / or just taking a break to really see how chaotic CP mrdming / cuff abusing / and mass rdaing is 

during peak hours .

Very well put, and I 100% agree about what you said regarding cp ban times. A 15 minute cp ban does next to nothing lmfao. 

So many people against this always just mention there are other jobs to RDM on, when random killing is a small part on why I think any cop job should have a time or level requirement. There are so many issues that random minges cause while playing as a cop that has nothing to do with RDM.

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On 2/7/2023 at 9:56 PM, toosii said:

Okay but the police job causes way more issues than people simply RDMing..
The biggest counter argument ^^^ being "oh well they could just switch to a gun dealer, hitman, etc" which is true BUT it would still prevent players from hopping on with the sole purpose of being a minge and abusing their role as a cop. While there are other avenues for minges to RDM - them playing as a cop is WAY more than just blatant killing people. So many times I have sits on randoms playing the cop job, false fining people, making multiple false arrests, cuffing people then running away, letting themselves into the PD and killing the mayor, uncuffing people who cops are in the middle of fining, stun stick abusing, etc... None of these type of things can be done by another job other than a police job hence why I think that all police jobs should have a time OR level requirement. 

It isn't just even just regarding minges, but some people are new to the server & unaware of the rules then go to play as a cop without really realizing what they can and can't do (whether it be on how to fine people the correct way, how to serve warrants on a players base, etc) so if they have to spend some time on the server before playing as a cop they could probably pick up on a few things and see how the role should properly be utilized. 

I have suggested this before, and even brought it up during staff meetings but it is always shut down. Regardless I still support doing this and worse case scenario it doesn't solve much, but it would not hurt anything if we tried this.


If it was a level requirement the only issue would be when people prestige. It should be a time requirement if anything

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+1      Cop is a role that should be taken more seriously. I love PD conflict with crims, and it's a shame to see the class only used by people who don't know cop rules most of the time. The amount of sits that I have where a new player has not read the cop rules or illegal activities rules is pretty wild.


If I could offer a possible alternative, it would be cool for people swapping to cop for the first time to be shown the cop rules and illegal activities rules first before they are allowed to swap to the job. If they don't read them and choose to just skip over them and rdm/rda, that's on them. Just a thought though. Either or, I like the suggestion!

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