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Monke Pet


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Monke Pet is the most expensive pet in the Quest Shop, and the pets that are 100 coins cheaper than it are significantly better than the pet. R2D2, while very shit, actually nonlethals people that it zaps, and Indiana Jones gives a SIGNIFICANT speed buff to spiderman sweps, making them almost comparable to jetpacks, and in some cases (batman) better than jetpacks.

Considering the Monke Pet is Epic rarity, and the others are Rare rarity, it only makes sense that the Monke Pet should have some ability that atleast rivals the usefulness so that it is worth the payoff of getting it.
I think something that keeps the Monke Pet funny and meme pet but actually keeps it as being a useful and desirable pet, is to make it so whenever the Monke makes the player Piss, it acts as a water barrel and Waters all plants until the player stops pissing - think of the piss stream as being a 100% filled water barrel that is flipped upside down, when there is no more water left the player stops pissing until the piss ability recharges to 100% (gets off of cooldown).

This keeps the pet as being funny monke and also makes it so that your grind for the pet isn't shunned by the fact that you could've gathered less quest coins and got a better/cooler pet

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yeah I completely agree with this, not because it legit benefits be, but because it would actually increase adversity.. You see recently i have found myself in a stalemate within TitsRP combat. I keep beating every single person I go up against even with the most amount of handicaps. So I think it would be cool if it could give any other possible advantage in combat even if its 1% since no other pet besides dragon pet does something at range, but it is defeated at beyond 1500 hammer units of range


~xoxo Extinct Species

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