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C4 needs to be changed.


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On 9/10/2022 at 11:16 AM, Tene said:

any 'person on top' wouldnt be raiding a 'newbies' base with a c4 (waste of money when you can just use 1 timebomb anyways). the reason 'c4 is overpowered' against newbies is because newbies bases are the typical darkrp server bases, where it's all clumped together and doesnt take up most of your basing space. any raiding tool against a 'newbie' will be just as effective as a c4, because they are new and don't understand how base defenses on here work.. im not sure what you are expecting out of a c4 nerf, it will just revert to being timebomb only again (as it was for over a year, and still basically is). if your only complaint is that its hard for new players to base because they don't know how to make their dupe somewhat spread out then i really don't know what the benefit would be for these newbies when it comes to any other raiding tool doing the exact same thing. They should just learn how different this server is to others and then adapt from there.
The reason new players will leave, is because they're not accustomed to this raiding style and prefer the typical lockpick through a base method where base defenses are super super easy. Should we revert to that to keep new players?

 Raiding has been nerfed so heavily and is easily very much underpowered vs basing, surely if we do the polar opposite of this argument and say that it's difficult for new players to raid the top dogs with their lockpicks and keypad crackers then we should buff raiding a ton no? 
Your argument is that the best players are better than new players. That is a flawed argument.......

also with your whole 'building base was wrecked 30 mins of work!', C4ed props will unfade after like 5 or so minutes, so just wait and your entire base will return.


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