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Taxes should hit harder


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1 minute ago, Carelos said:

When the suggestion only hurts others and doesn't really do anything except one of the issues KDawg dislikes (just giving money to people) people will get mad. All this does is take from others and give it to people who don't work. Kinda like the welfare system in the united states. You do nothing and you get paid from other people making money. Not very dope for the people losing the money.

I can agree with this. We fucking hate taxes in general, so It's no big surprise why any system like this whether it be virtual or real, would be hated. 

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1 minute ago, Abstergo said:

Get mad at the idea not the player. You and your buddies have been shitting on fuel all day. Try " This idea is dumb " not " You are dumb".

When the said player has a history of trying to fuck a certain group of players over you shouldn't be surprised when someone calls him dumb. If it was his first suggestion to try and hurt the rich people and actual basers, it would prob be like "this idea sucks lol". But it isn't the first time and he has attempted to hurt this group multiple times. After multiple times it doesn't become an idea issue (theres multiple issues), the common denominator becomes the player.

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sugar has literally said that one of the biggest problems is the people with a lot of money giving it away to poor people, this change would only increase the rate at which that happens. i dont even understand why he increased taxes in the last when he thinks of that as a problem.

Edited by Jewann
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