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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Make it so bunker buster has a small range, it being ranged in the first place is kinda dumb.


Nah it needs to be a bigger range its objectively underpowered as is.


Not at all, most PD bases are getting destroyed by it. If you can break props out of the line of sight its retardedly OP

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You should not need to advert "PD RAID" when you are breaking someone out of jail.


Pretty much raiding the PD?? You're lockpicking someone out of jail and that's considered raiding.

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You should not need to advert "PD RAID" when you are breaking someone out of jail.


Pretty much raiding the PD?? You're lockpicking someone out of jail and that's considered raiding.


Definitely agree, how would anyone distinct a PD raid from a breakout during a sit? Would be way to confusing and there would be a lot of accidental Mass RDM bans..

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Make it so people being stalked by Master Stalker can't suicide, makes the job kinda useless if people just suicide to get out of being stalked. Also, put a message like "An unsettling presence is watching you" or something so they know the fucked up vision is because they're being stalked

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