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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I suggested this a while back and was told it would be added (darn you sugar!!) but I would like a Co-Owner rank added to gangs. I currently have no internet to be able to play, and being able to appoint a Co-Owner (,same ranks as owner but cannot give ownership to anyone) to promote officers or deal with talents while I'm gone would be great.


Edit: It was also make the co-owner feel happy inside


Edit 2: Another suggestion I have is to be able to give a person ownership of your CC. (Just on the CC > Editor > full owner ). Myself and Umbak bought a cc (he paid like 4m and I paid 1m, yet I'm the owner? Dunno what I was smoking at the time) and I'd like to give him the full ownership.

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I think that the "Precious Life" gang talent should have a icon above your health bar, telling you when Precious Life is ready to be used again. I know that there is a 5 minute cooldown, so you could just pretty much guess when it will be ready to use again. I think all of this because Precious Life can change what you do in a fight. If both of you are low health in a fight and you know you have precious life you could just rush them, but if you dont know if you have Precious Life or not you have to play cautiously. This is my first suggestion ever so I dont know if its good or not, but oh well.

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Make "Sniping a player from across the map because his party member got mugged" also apply to raids, it can and has led to really stupid situations where someone can peek you from a spot where you cannot push since you will move too far from the raid or in extreme situations something like this could happen:

  1. base in the suburbs villa (http://prntscr.com/k30nog)
  2. have a hobo in your party using a base like this http://prntscr.com/k30qgi
  3. Very easy counters that the raider cannot do much about except try to get lucky sniping back http://prntscr.com/k30so0

If the raider goes to the hobo base he has essentially left the raid to raid another base and can't do much about the hobo that can shoot the raider from nearly any point of the raid except inside where presumably you are waiting for the raider aswell


I don't think there is much reason to have this be apart of the gameplay of the server because of the reason that it leads to what i would call abuse of the party/countering rules and is no fun to play against at all.

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Make "Sniping a player from across the map because his party member got mugged" also apply to raids, it can and has led to really stupid situations where someone can peek you from a spot where you cannot push since you will move too far from the raid or in extreme situations something like this could happen:

  1. base in the suburbs villa (http://prntscr.com/k30nog)
  2. have a hobo in your party using a base like this http://prntscr.com/k30qgi
  3. Very easy counters that the raider cannot do much about except try to get lucky sniping back http://prntscr.com/k30so0

If the raider goes to the hobo base he has essentially left the raid to raid another base and can't do much about the hobo that can shoot the raider from nearly any point of the raid except inside where presumably you are waiting for the raider aswell


I don't think there is much reason to have this be apart of the gameplay of the server because of the reason that it leads to what i would call abuse of the party/countering rules and is no fun to play against at all.


We changed the rules like 8 months ago, party/gang does not mean you can automatically counter someone. You quoted the example yourself.

As a non-CP, you can only straight-up kill someone for raiding (no warnings for them to stop) if you are actually basing there or you were inside and thus your life is in danger. Like in the example given, you can't counter from across the map (again, unless it is your own base). It shouldn't be called a "counter," it should just be RP.

For the example given, hobos are unable to base in regular bases and would have no RP reason to kill those raiders without involving himself in the situation somehow.

The point can be made for someone who owns two bases, but at that point you're just being dum and trying to skirt the rules.


tl;dr already against the rules, people just aren't smart enough to keep up with Piklas and I

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We changed the rules like 8 months ago, party/gang does not mean you can automatically counter someone. You quoted the example yourself.

As a non-CP, you can only straight-up kill someone for raiding (no warnings for them to stop) if you are actually basing there or you were inside and thus your life is in danger. Like in the example given, you can't counter from across the map (again, unless it is your own base). It shouldn't be called a "counter," it should just be RP.

For the example given, hobos are unable to base in regular bases and would have no RP reason to kill those raiders without involving himself in the situation somehow.

The point can be made for someone who owns two bases, but at that point you're just being dum and trying to skirt the rules.


tl;dr already against the rules, people just aren't smart enough to keep up with Piklas and I


Ive got conflicting stories and even Bunziix sent a screenshot of sugar saying it was allowed leading me to make the post. I guess sugar was wrong. Good to know because to my knowledge f this rule has flip flopped more than the mood of a kidnap victim today.

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Change "Weapon Modifying" under illegal activites to "Weapon modifying and using modified weapons"

There is a bit of a loophole where cops and citizens will still use enchanted weapons because the rule doesn't apply to actually owning a modified weapon aparently. Its pretty much the same thing as standing in the middle of the street and saying you aren't jaywalking since you aren't moving, how did you get there in the first place? Just weird imo

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Make the models that cannot raid also say you cannot base with them. some models are going to be abused the same way they can be abused raiding when basing in larger bases. I think its pretty obvious but clarity is impotant and its just to add 2 words to the model message

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Make the models that cannot raid also say you cannot base with them. some models are going to be abused the same way they can be abused raiding when basing in larger bases. I think its pretty obvious but clarity is impotant and its just to add 2 words to the model message


make it so staff know which models cannot do this as well.

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We changed the rules like 8 months ago, party/gang does not mean you can automatically counter someone. You quoted the example yourself.

As a non-CP, you can only straight-up kill someone for raiding (no warnings for them to stop) if you are actually basing there or you were inside and thus your life is in danger. Like in the example given, you can't counter from across the map (again, unless it is your own base). It shouldn't be called a "counter," it should just be RP.

For the example given, hobos are unable to base in regular bases and would have no RP reason to kill those raiders without involving himself in the situation somehow.

The point can be made for someone who owns two bases, but at that point you're just being dum and trying to skirt the rules.


tl;dr already against the rules, people just aren't smart enough to keep up with Piklas and I


Ive got conflicting stories and even Bunziix sent a screenshot of sugar saying it was allowed leading me to make the post. I guess sugar was wrong. Good to know because to my knowledge f this rule has flip flopped more than the mood of a kidnap victim today.


The context with the conversation with Bunziix was that he asked if sniping from across the map is allowed during a raid. I said no because it causes issues with people spamming admin calls for RDM & no staff wants to deal with a slap on the wrist saying "bad boy". Now this rule is generally up to you if you're playing with mature players who know each other's party and won't just call RDM. If you and your group is Group 1 and you know and hate a group called Group 2 and you raid Group 2 and then one of Group 2's members snipes you from across the street, you probably wont call RDM because you know they are part of Group 2.


Flip that example on its head and you go and raid group 2 but you don't know who they are & they don't know who you are. If you get sniped by a member of group 2, you're probably going to call RDM because people have no braincells and want staff to figure out why they just died. It causes confusion & wastes everyone's time.


Rules in this game are there to generally prevent confusion. Do what you want when the people you're going to upset know what you're doing & they know what they're getting themselves into. If there is a party who doesn't know whats going on then its better to play it safe or else you're going to be in an admin sit for the next 15 minutes wasting everyone's time only to have the result be "communicate it next time" or "make sure they know whats going on"


Change "Weapon Modifying" under illegal activites to "Weapon modifying and using modified weapons"

There is a bit of a loophole where cops and citizens will still use enchanted weapons because the rule doesn't apply to actually owning a modified weapon aparently. Its pretty much the same thing as standing in the middle of the street and saying you aren't jaywalking since you aren't moving, how did you get there in the first place? Just weird imo


Owning a weapon is illegal without a license. I think its pretty difficult to tell if a player has an enchanted weapon or not, unless its a legendary which shoots at the speed of light. I can add it to the rules though


Make the models that cannot raid also say you cannot base with them. some models are going to be abused the same way they can be abused raiding when basing in larger bases. I think its pretty obvious but clarity is impotant and its just to add 2 words to the model message


This would probably get some people upset. Some of the models which are detected by the system to be weird aren't always smaller. Generally if the model isn't exactly rigged to be like a generic human model, it may trigger the message. Some models are made weird because they are either larger or much smaller than a regular playermodel. I can make it so people with those models cannot buy entities but I don't want it to be some kidna big deal as most models are okay.

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