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Mayor should not be allowed to lockdown during grace period.


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Bonus points for working out what is and isn't a legit reason for a lockdown, 'cause it's kinda bullshit that a mayor can hold a lockdown and AoS basically the entire server indefinitely "due to the presence of illegal weapons" when so many classes start with what gets made illegal.

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+1. Should be basic and not a hassle.


Many people loopholed this to basically have the server be an RDA/AOS or KOS for being outside and not indoors.


If the Mayor announces a lockdown, I'd like it so that it'd automatically kick them out of Grace period so they can die.

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Sounds a bit dumb in my opinion. Why would someone’s grace end if they were trying to be a good mayor and protect people from a terrorist attack. If this was a thing people would terror attack so that they would lockdown and end the grace, then get killed as they are kos, switch to mayors assassin or a cc and pd raid. I feel like people don’t think about the good mayors in these scenarios and only think about the bad ones. Fucking discrimination racism sexism and that shit. : ) 

Imma -1 this just because sounds dumb

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