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Hit locator

Kamala Gekido

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I find it growing exceedingly harder and harder to do hits. More often than not, I have to find a target that is dead and AFK, or I have no clue where in the world they are, even after master swording around the entire map a few times, checking buildings, etc. I suggest that when you have a hit on someone they have a dot on them, like when you start a revolt and see a dot as to where the mayor is? It would help with locating your target and avoid killing the wrong guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 not trying to bump or anything but this could be very very helpful


you literally replied to her in shoutbox saying 'you got her'. thats 100% an intentional necropost so dont try slide by me like that


On the topic of the suggestion itself, +1 would be a neat addition

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+1 not trying to bump or anything but this could be very very helpful


you literally replied to her in shoutbox saying 'you got her'. thats 100% an intentional necropost so dont try slide by me like that


On the topic of the suggestion itself, +1 would be a neat addition


i mean either way i was +1ing this cause my cc has hitman on it and i struggle sometimes to find the most random people on outliers of the city

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