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Fix Kidnapping? From kidnappers perspective


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Hey so after seeing all these changes to kidnapping (Mr. Bones) myself and the other kidnap masters have assessed the current state of Kidnapping. After having several conversations with some of the more veteran players who use the kidnapping system (Corp, Kiwi, and myself)  we've collabed some really great ideas that I think would fix kidnapping to make it more balanced.


* Remove Beastial Potions effect while bludgeon is out/ add a timer of reducing movement-enhancing potions effects for a short duration after successful knockout. I know this one is a hard pill to swallow, esp for me being that I drink these by the dozen. But its too overpowered considering the counterpart to kidnapping; cps, cannot use beast potions. This would effectively fix kidnapping in my opinion. 


* Increase cooldown for Kidnapping overall. Doing the math and doing tests, these are the numbers we found: Without the gang perk to kidnap sooner, the cooldown between INDIVIDUAL different targets, its 300 seconds PER successful knockout. With the gang perk acquired at level 8 (speed knockout) the cooldown between INDIVIDUAL different targets now becomes 45 seconds PER successful knockout. SAME player kidnap is every 6 minutes, with the gang talent Wide Awake, it now can extend to 10 minutes, adding an addition 4. My suggestion to fix the cooldowns would be to extend the kidnap timer per successful knockout WITH GANG PERK from 45, to every 120 seconds and keep the existing 300 seconds without the perk. In regards to same person kidnap cooldown timers, the same person should be 10 minutes with an optional talent (Wide Awake) that increases the timer to 15 minutes.


In conclusion, these changes would fill the gap between new players who do not have items like beast potions or CC's and those who do with millions to spare. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks.

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Some interesting ideas, but my main bitch about kidnappers is how prevalent, and in a way, how invisible they can be at times.


When there are a load of bludgeon CCs online it doesn't even feel like you're playing DarkRP anymore-- you're too busy making sure nobody gets behind you or that nobody's trying to knock you out from above to talk to or interact with anyone out in the open. You nearly have to maintain a constant paranoia to avoid effectively getting randomly kicked from the game for the duration of the timer. It can be anybody with any model. 


At least with stalker or cultists, you know what's up.


+1 tho

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I mean. Yeah? Tho. I always think they need to go from CCs, or at least a CC specific class made into a cultist job and move bludgeon skins to that


Adding them to have to be apart of CC would be a godsend. CC now pretty much dominate the server, and in a bad way- almost a game-breaking way. 


"But they can be bought with in-game money" - A hopelessly optimistic person or someone who's telling themselves a lie. 







Some interesting ideas, but my main bitch about kidnappers is how prevalent, and in a way, how invisible they can be at times.


When there are a load of bludgeon CCs online it doesn't even feel like you're playing DarkRP anymore-- you're too busy making sure nobody gets behind you or that nobody's trying to knock you out from above to talk to or interact with anyone out in the open. You nearly have to maintain a constant paranoia to avoid effectively getting randomly kicked from the game for the duration of the timer. It can be anybody with any model. 


At least with stalker or cultists, you know what's up.


+1 tho


Jesus Christ that statement hurts to read. I'm sorry man.

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