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Suggestions for Staff


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Being a staff there is a lot of things that don’t correctly work to how they are meant to and a lot of little things that would help. I’ll put my suggestions in order from most to least helpful (they’re all helpful though)


1. One big suggestion I have is similar to the announcement the staff get when a first timer joins. It announces that that staff member joined and to use @ to call a sit which would help for mainly early in the morning or late in the night to prevent votebans when staff are on. As they are informed one is on. 


2. My second suggestion is to get a new spectate plugin. The one we use currently doesn’t show any props, players, or text signs unless you specifically select one player. Which is hard for sits that involve building signs. It would be a lot easier and a lot more helpful.


3. This one doesn’t really involve staff but it’s about people that are just worst yet better Trial Mods. I feel like giving respected people admin chat would help a lot with them getting sits faster and that they kinda count as staff as they have access to a staff chat. It would be all pluses with giving them admin chat especially with MRDMers or rule breakers. Instead of them going through the menu and making a sit that is about a MRDMer that adds like a minute to the time, where the killer can get more kills, they can simply say their name in admin chat, as most of the time Respected peoples sits are normally valid. 



4. This one isn’t too important but it would help. Just like the party system under your name it says “Staff” so when people look at you they know you can help them and trust you with the rules etc...



Thats all I have for the suggestions and most of them would be helpful in game.

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I am +1 for suggestions 1, 2, and 4.

I like the idea of 1 because of what you said, if a staff joins while no other are on and vip start votebanning without knowing a staff member is on it could just be a chuckle fest. Suggestion 2 I am +1'ing for more of a different reason, it is mainly the fact that first person can still show like the persons model like through their head so sometimes it might be hard to view. Suggestion 4 would help newer players be able to ask but you could just type in local chat and see a staff tag. Suggestion 3 I am less excited about I guess. Respected is basically for when no staff are online and are basically VIP without the whole vote. Really both VIP and Respected can do the same things but with a slight change to respected.

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Respected is basically for when no staff are online and are basically VIP without the whole vote. Really both VIP and Respected can do the same things but with a slight change to respected.Reply$(document).ready(function() {




Wouldn't it help? Since I'm hoping everyone with respected knows the rules well enough for them not make a sit a sit so it can be faster all around. It would just be a lot faster for them and us and help a lot. I see no negative to it just that they have access to staff-general so why not give them admin chat when it only helps.

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Respected is basically for when no staff are online and are basically VIP without the whole vote. Really both VIP and Respected can do the same things but with a slight change to respected.Reply$(document).ready(function() {




Wouldn't it help? Since I'm hoping everyone with respected knows the rules well enough for them not make a sit a sit so it can be faster all around. It would just be a lot faster for them and us and help a lot. I see no negative to it just that they have access to staff-general so why not give them admin chat when it only helps.


Well your wording is weird admin chat is for admins, silly (hur dur)


But in all seriousness, I would rather have them make a sit as it would be more organized. If you see someone is respected and they make a quick sit like "mass rdm bring me ill explain there" it would have the same result. I understand and sort of agree but I don't think it would be all what you might think, staff chat would just flood their chat with us shit talking each other and other memes when all they really need to talk there would be to make a quick sit.

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I dunno, I feel like admin chats should be only for admins and people on the staff team. 


Respected already has a lot of power already, I think their main job is to just wait for a staff to get on to handle it. Record, document, testify, etc. Or kick/ban people for their rdm and let a staff member know ASAP. I mean, I've been on at 4am and there's still staff. I think we have enough staff 99 percent of the time, or at least a staff member online.

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-1 for all at this moment and time, if I join the server I usually say “hey guys”, I’m happy with the spectate plugin. If I can’t see text or procs I usually click on the player which I spectate and it fixes it. The staff under name thing is just stupid. They know who you are if you introduce yourself and from doing sits.

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-1 for all at this moment and time, if I join the server I usually say “hey guys”, I’m happy with the spectate plugin. If I can’t see text or procs I usually click on the player which I spectate and it fixes it. The staff under name thing is just stupid. They know who you are if you introduce yourself and from doing sits.


I dont know if you didn't read it or didn't understand what I was saying. Everything I said was from others POV and if you look at it realistically you will see that they can be very positive and wont hurt to add.

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Or you could you know? Do both? I mean some of these suggestions could be helpful in the future. From my time as staff I specifically found the plugin for spectate we have to be time consuming and annoying. If their were a better one in place simple sits revolving around stuff such as building signs could be solved a lot faster with less flying around clicking on different players. Correct me if I’m wrong but unless spectate has been updated there’s no sound so you can’t tell if a suspect is shooting unless a kill feed message pops up. The spectate system is really just a quality of life thing but I think it would be nice if it changed. I like the other suggestions except for the respected one. Respected is simply a tool that lets rule breakers be punished while staff are on. I don’t see the need for them to have access to admin chat.

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